
Implementation of the Recurrent Implicit Quantile Networks (RIQNs), used as a baseline in the OOD detection in the anomalous RL benchmark

Primary LanguagePython

This repo

This repo is a fork of the original riqn-repo with some changes that make it run.

Recurrent Implicit Quantile Networks

This repository provides the implementation of the baseline for out-of-distribution detection in RL benchmarks. Here is the code to the benchmark: https://github.com/modanesh/anomalous_rl_envs. It contains two sets of environments, one is derived from OpenAI Gym control task and the other from PyBullet3.

If you ever used this repo in your work, please cite it with:

  title={Out-of-Distribution Dynamics Detection: RL-Relevant Benchmarks and Results},
  author={Danesh, Mohamad H and Fern, Alan},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning, Uncertainty & Robustness in Deep Learning Workshop},


  • python 3.6+
  • To install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


The two files: autoregressive_control.py and autoregressive_pybullet.py are quite similar in structure and functionality. Their main difference is their targeted environments. autoregressive_control.py works with OpenAI Gym control tasks, while autoregressive_pybullet.py works with the Bullet physics simulations.

In the following, the usage of autoregressive_control.py is provided. However, the same would apply for the other case.


usage: autoregressive_control.py [-h] [--predictive_model_training]
                                 [--dataset_analysis] [--dists_cdf]
                                 [--detection_delay] [--is_recurrent]
                                 [--is_recurrent_v2] [--feature_part_analysis]
                                 [--predictive_model_paths PREDICTIVE_MODEL_PATHS [PREDICTIVE_MODEL_PATHS ...]]
                                 [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR]
                                 [--gru_units GRU_UNITS]
                                 [--num_quantile_sample NUM_QUANTILE_SAMPLE]
                                 [--policy_num_quantile_sample POLICY_NUM_QUANTILE_SAMPLE]
                                 [--num_tau_sample NUM_TAU_SAMPLE]
                                 [--quantile_embedding_dim QUANTILE_EMBEDDING_DIM]
                                 [--policy_quantile_embedding_dim POLICY_QUANTILE_EMBEDDING_DIM]
                                 [--test_interval TEST_INTERVAL]
                                 [--num_iterations NUM_ITERATIONS]
                                 [--env_name ENV_NAME] [--data_path DATA_PATH]
                                 [--test_data_path TEST_DATA_PATH]
                                 [--noisy_data_path NOISY_DATA_PATH]
                                 [--anomaly_inserted ANOMALY_INSERTED]
                                 [--clip_value CLIP_VALUE]
                                 [--horizons HORIZONS [HORIZONS ...]]
                                 [--sampling_sizes SAMPLING_SIZES [SAMPLING_SIZES ...]]
                                 [--given_fpr GIVEN_FPR]
                                 [--decay_type {linear,exponential}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        To train autoregressive models
                        To test autoregressive models
  --anomaly_detection   Do the AD when anomalies injected into the system
                        Studying the affect of horizon on anomaly scores and
                        Studying the affect of sampling size on anomaly scores
                        and AUCs
                        Studying the affect of combining anomaly scores using
                        avg vs. max on AUCs
  --dataset_analysis    Analyzing dataset
  --dists_cdf           Studying CDFs of internal distributions
  --detection_delay     Measuring the delay in detecting anomalies
  --is_recurrent        Determines whether the model has memory or not
  --is_recurrent_v2     Determines whether the model has memory or not -- v2
                        RNN model
                        Analyzing feature participation is calculating anomaly
                        To train autoregressive models using scheduled
                        Path to all predictive models
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size
  --lr LR               Learning rate
  --gru_units GRU_UNITS
                        Number of cells in the GRU
  --num_quantile_sample NUM_QUANTILE_SAMPLE
                        Number of quantile samples for IQN
  --policy_num_quantile_sample POLICY_NUM_QUANTILE_SAMPLE
                        Number of quantile samples for policy IQN
  --num_tau_sample NUM_TAU_SAMPLE
                        Number of tau samples for IQN, sets the distribution
                        sampling size.
  --quantile_embedding_dim QUANTILE_EMBEDDING_DIM
                        Qunatiles embedding dimension in IQN
  --policy_quantile_embedding_dim POLICY_QUANTILE_EMBEDDING_DIM
                        Qunatiles embedding dimension in policy IQN
  --test_interval TEST_INTERVAL
                        Intervals between train and test
  --num_iterations NUM_ITERATIONS
                        Number of iterations to update model
  --env_name ENV_NAME   Name of the main environment: to train, test, update
                        models, find threshold, and calculate performance on
                        normal envs
  --data_path DATA_PATH
                        path to the dataset json file
  --test_data_path TEST_DATA_PATH
                        path to the test dataset json file
  --noisy_data_path NOISY_DATA_PATH
                        path to the test dataset json file
  --anomaly_inserted ANOMALY_INSERTED
                        Time when the anomaly is inserted into the system
  --clip_value CLIP_VALUE
                        Clipping gradients
  --horizons HORIZONS [HORIZONS ...]
                        Horizon to go forward in time
  --sampling_sizes SAMPLING_SIZES [SAMPLING_SIZES ...]
                        Size of the sampling to build the tree of
                        distributions at time t
  --given_fpr GIVEN_FPR
                        Acceptable FPR rate to calculate the threshold for
                        anomaly detection delay
  --decay_type {linear,exponential}
                        How to decay epsilon in Scheduled sampling

How To Run

First, you need to generate a dataset of nominal trajectories by the following command:

python autoregressive_control.py --test_policy --env_name Acrobot-v1

To train the RIQN predictor:

python autoregressive_control.py --predictive_model_training --env_name Acrobot-v1 --is_recurrent_v2 --predictive_model_paths "SOME PATHS"

To test the RIQN predictor:

python autoregressive_control.py --predictive_model_testing --env_name Acrobot-v1 --predictive_model_paths "SOME PATHS" --is_recurrent_v2 --horizons 1 --anomaly_inserted 0

To detect anomalies using the RIQN predictor:

python autoregressive_control.py --anomaly_detection --anomaly_inserted 20 --horizons 1 10 --sampling_sizes 4 8 32 128 --is_recurrent_v2 --num_iterations 5 --env_name AcrobotMod-v4 --predictive_model_paths "SOME PATHS"