UnusDAO Smart Contracts

Mainnet Contracts & Addresses

Contract Addresss Notes
UDO 0xB91Ec4F9D7D12A1aC145A7Ae3b78AFb45856C9c8 Main Token Contract
sUDO 0x76D91700CE49968DC314a23287343Ed9A0571eD0 Staked UDO
Treasury 0x01CDdb5C0986B8521F93A9A5C6d84D6994a82742 UnusDAO Treasury holds all the assets
Staking 0xC34AF465Aac5928afec7e3642BD8Ca7873a7F2b2 Main Staking contract responsible for calling rebases every 9600 blocks
DAO 0xD21EeEd8775a816bCb0222F328eB4A026969D2Bf Storage Wallet for DAO under MS


  • TODO: What are the requirements for creating a Bond Contract? All LP bonds use the Bonding Calculator contract which is used to compute RFV.
Contract Addresss Notes
Bond Calculator 0x97eaF49656a2a8BB52d9E48c566319F86fF07860
BUSD/UDO Pancake-LPs Bond 0xdE2730eb9bAC0E704e0F322b5BE87B6e404C639b Manages mechhanism for thhe protocol to buy back its own liquidity from the pair.


The DAO contract is guarded by a 4 of 7 multisig. That means any transaction for making DAO changes must be approved by at least 4 signers, of which we have 7 signers in total. The operation security for our DAO is thus protected from a single actor going rogue, because it takes a quorum of 4 to authorize any transaction like engaging in DAO swaps. The 7 signing addresses for the DAO are listed below.

Note that all signers can be verified on bscscan as well as on GnosisSafe.

  1. 0x7A80DEDFa974b6ae804f5E1c2140Ee06775a06bE
  2. 0xbF9D72b4eaF15151479299F336318C65701b04ad
  3. 0xb53dD777A649695bD72b8E438b8e6B30640271C1
  4. 0xcBb47f51e8f2AD661c583105A03491e0e4433435
  5. 0x64472E9D8166BF5bDea0Fe5Ce05C166D8A50DA9e
  6. 0x1151cd5827D15f3Fd5Bb7e409a95AD25E643c478
  7. 0x2811a45f9C989570b0F354685cD6212471B512D0