
Special way to work with gestures in iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


At a Glance

Sensitive is a library that simplifies work with gestures in iOS. Forget about target/action pattern of primitive UIGestureRecognizer. With Sensitive you can call onTap, onPinch, onSwipe on any UIView instance and implement handler for the gesture. That's all that you should know to start. For details, see Usage section.

How To Get Started

  • Copy content of Source folder to your project.


  • Use Sensitive cocoapod.


  • iOS 9.0 and later
  • Xcode 9.0 and later
  • Swift 4.1


Adding Gesture Recognizers to View

All gestures are available via special variables that you can call on any UIView instance. Examples:

    .configure(with: { (gestureRecognizer) in
        // Configure `UITapGestureRecognizer` instance
        gestureRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 2
    .handle { (gestureRecognizer) in
        // Handle tap on view
        gestureRecognizer.view!.backgroundColor = .green

    .configure(with: { (gestureRecognizer) in
        // Configure `UISwipeGestureRecognizer` instance
        gestureRecognizer.direction = .left
    .handle { (gestureRecognizer) in
        // Handle tap on view
        gestureRecognizer.view!.backgroundColor = .green

Full list of available gestures:

  • onTap
  • onLongPress
  • onPan
  • onPinch
  • onRotation
  • onSwipe
  • onScreenEdgePan

Simultaneous Recognition

If you need few gestures to work together on the same view, you can also use recognizeSimultaneously method:

    .handle { (gestureRecognizer) in
        // Your implementation here...

    .handle { (gestureRecognizer) in
        // Your implementation here...


Sensitive is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.