
PBR and particle sandbox. :european_castle:

Primary LanguageC++

Dungeon Tease

I have been working on a personal rendering engine these days. Although there are lots needed to deal with and it is really just a beginning, finally here comes the first tease! 🎉


Features currently supported:

  • PBR real time physics base rendering algorithm and HDR.
  • render queue a node based render queue, that contributes to performance by reducing api calls.
  • render pass separated render pass, such as G-buffer, effect, lighting, shadow, making the whole process more controllable and also contributing to rendering performance.
  • frustum culling cull everything that is not inside the camera.
  • shadow mapping real time shader based shadow mapping.
  • SSAO real time screen-space SSAO.
  • particles system better looking and performance, easy to implement.
  • instance object implement of OpenGL instance draw feature.
  • ECS Entity Component & GameObject System just like Unity Engine.
  • motion blending bone animation blending, supporting all the animations from mixamo.com.
  • third person controller player-camera controller just like all the third person game, supporting PS4 controller.
  • import blender file blender is an awesome software. All the stages were edited in blender.


  • OpenGL ES 3.2 & GLM Core graphic api and core math library.

  • Assimp Open Asset Import Library (short name: Assimp) is a portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner.

  • stb Public domain C image loading library by nothings.

