
The common theme for all Haiku products.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Project contains Haiku MUI 5 theme.

How to use

Create personal access token on the https://github.com/settings/tokens/new. Select repo scope.

Run following command in any folder replacing <your_token> with your token from above step:

git config --global url."https://<your_token>:x-oauth-basic@github.com/".insteadOf https://x-oauth-basic@github.com/

This command will add URL rewrite to the ~/.gitconfig, which will be used in the following step.

Add dependency to common-mui-theme in a project package.json:

"common-mui-theme": "git+https://x-oauth-basic@github.com/haiku-inc/common-mui-theme.git#main"

in this case to fetch new version of the theme use npm update command;

or if you want to depend on exact version:

"common-mui-theme": "git+https://x-oauth-basic@github.com/haiku-inc/common-mui-theme.git#0.0.3"

Note: you have to have a corresponding tag for this to be working propely.

Now you can run npm install, which should install private repository common-mui-theme. Later you need to use npm update even after updating the tag version, because this dependency is not semver.

Update tsconfig.json. Add "node_modules/common-mui-theme/**/*" to the include. For example:

  "include": ["src", "node_modules/common-mui-theme/**/*"],

Change webpack.common.js (Or any other config which executes TS). Change exclusion of "node_modules" in such way it doesn't affect common-mui-theme. For example:

  test: /\.tsx?$/,
  use: 'ts-loader',
  exclude: /node_modules\/(?!(common-mui-theme)\/).*/,

Wrap React root App with ThemeProvider with the imported theme:

import theme from 'common-mui-theme';

  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <App />

Add fonts to HTML template:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500,700&display=swap" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Orbitron:wght@400;700;800&display=swap" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Cairo:wght@400;600;700&display=swap" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Rajdhani:wght@300;500;600;700&display=swap" />