POS system for Assignment of Software Engineering class
Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/NVNqgbbpfwQHBcd6ai9ysd/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1
Trello: https://trello.com/b/WLR01H8g/ph%C3%A2n-t%C3%ADch-requirements
Welcome to our restaurant
If you want to clone this project, please do as following:
Step 1: Clone this github project by command "git clone https://github.com/hungprovip0089/CNPM.git"
Step 2: Adjust the url in file .env to connect to one of your schema in MONGO.
Step 3: Use command "npm start" to start the server.
Now you can enjoy our team's restaurant with your own schema.
But wait, another note: You must create table if you want customers to access your page, create employees if you want to hire employees.
Firstly, you have to create a collection named "employees" in your database (the fields are in our directory "model").
Secondly, please create a document as below:
{ "id" : "MNG0",
"name" : "Mr.Tony Stark",
"type" : "manager",
"username" : "admin",
"pwd" : "admin"
id,name,username,pwd are whatever you want but the type must be "manager".
Then please use this account to create table, create employee by the functions of the manager.
Here is the list of tables that I have just created:
You can set the QR code to link to the format url: localhost:3000/customer/...
... is the ID of the table your restaurant has (for example above I have 5 tables with perspective ids: TABLE0,TABLE1,TABLE2,TABLE3,TABLE4).
Your customers can access to, for example: localhost:3000/customer/TABLE0
Now you can try this.
Here is our demo : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qlDPMtVFTAQDIgmJRSZxI4g7ds3XUDq_/view?usp=sharing.