A simple program to create truth table in Discrete Math (cuz the author's too lazy to write them down)
Complile the project with all .cpp files
> gcc *.cpp -lstdc++ -o <PROGRAM_NAME>
Then simply run
Currently, there're 5 operators: AND ^
, OR v
, XOR +
and "if and only if" IFF ~
. There's also a negation operator -
Variable names can vary all lowercase and uppercase ascis (or even other symbols :D), but of course let alone lowercase v
cuz that's an operator.
Write the expression in the correct form (pls), then let the magic works.
> ./main
> a + b ^ -(a v b)
|0|0|0 |1 |0 |0
|0|1|1 |0 |0 |0
|1|0|1 |0 |0 |1
|1|1|1 |0 |0 |1
I haven't finished the project so there're lots of things to do, especially error-handling, so pls be gentle with this babe :<