
Host-base scanning tool using known IOCs and YARA rules to detect malware, apt attack. This tool is a launcher of the THOR-Lite APT Scanner.

1. Launcher features

  • Scanning based on modules
  • Cross-platform support: Windows, Linux, MacOSX
  • Encryption IOCs, YARA rules before packing the tool
  • Automatic update of IOCs and YARA rules from Nextron Systems GmbH
  • You can add your own IOCs and YARA rules
  • Multiple report export options: Text, HTML, JSON, CSV, etc..
  • Customize configuration of CPU usage, memory, scan file size, etc..
  • and more..!

2. Setting up environment

Download and install Python 3: Currently supported Python version 3.6 and above. To verify python installed:

# Windows
$ where python
# Linux or MacOSX
$ which python3

Create virtual python environment:

$ pip3 install virtualenv

# Windows
$ mkdir my-project & cd my-project
$ virtualenv -p c:\path\to\python.exe venv

# Linux or MacOSX
$ mkdir my-project && cd my-project
$ virtualenv -p /path/to/python3 venv

Active virtual python environment:

# Windows:
$ venv\Scripts\activate

# Linux or MacOS:
$ source venv/bin/activate

Clone THOR-Launcher:

$ git clone

Install dependencies packages:

(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Building THOR-Launcher

3.1. THOR Utility

A utility used to packing the THOR-Lite set into a single executable, convenient for distribution to clients when scanning.

(venv) $ python

  A CLI Utility for THOR APT Scanner by HaiLH

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  build      Build THOR APT Scanner package
  clean      Clean all temporary working files
  extract    Extract THOR packs
  keygen     RSA keys generator
  license    Add THOR license
  make       Create THOR APT Scanner bundle
  remove     Remove THOR optional binaries and dirs
  rename     Rename THOR binaries
  rsakey     Add encryption key
  signature  Add custom signatures
  update     Update signatures
  upgrade    Upgrade THOR and signatures
  version    Show Utility version

3.2. THOR-Launcher packing up steps

  1. Get THOR-Lite: request to Nextron Systems GmbH: Then wait for them to send the download link with the license key file via email. Download and save the THOR (.zip) to ./thor_packs/ directory. Similarly, the license file (*.lic) is saved in the ./thor_license/ directory

  2. Generate RSA key pair

    (venv) $ python keygen --keyname "key" --length 4096

    image info

  3. Automatically create the THOR set

    (venv) $ python make

    image info

  4. Packing THOR APT Scanner

    (venv) $ python build

    image info

  5. Running THOR-Launcher

    $ thor-apt-scanner.exe

    image info

    • A THOR-Launcher will invoke the THOR binaries to scan. The final executable will have these binaries embedded and the iocs and yara rules included with the Python interpreter.
    • After scanning is completed, the report files will be encrypted and compressed into a *.zip file.

4. Systems that have been tested

  • Microsoft Windows: 7, 8/8.1, 10, 2012, 2016, 2019
  • Linux: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • MacOSX: 10.16 (Big Sur)

5. Important

  • THOR-Launcher as a project for learning purposes
  • Do not use it for commercial purposes
  • Please read the "THOR Lite End User License Agreement" inside Thor-Lite packs