SENG-LIVE-121321: Phase 2

Day 1

Welcome to Phase 2!

Before the first day's lecture, please complete the following:

  • Fork a copy of SENG-LIVE-121321-phase-2 (this repository)
    • Select the Fork button in the upper right corner
    • After the fork has completed, you'll be automatically redirected to a new GitHub repository titled <your-github-name>/SENG-LIVE-121321-phase-2
  • Clone this forked GitHub repository to your local machine
    • Click the green Code button + the double-box icon next to the web URL generated under HTTPS to copy your unique GitHub repository's web URL to clipboard
    • In Terminal, run git clone <copied_web_url>
    • To change directories to this cloned repository in Terminal, run cd SENG-LIVE-121321-phase-2

Daily Lectures

Each lecture day at ~1:30 PM EST, this repository will be updated with Starter Code necessary for live code alongs and group activities.

  • To bring Starter Code down to your local machine before each lecture, follow these steps:

    • On your GitHub account, navigate to <your-github-name>/SENG-LIVE-121321-phase-2
    • At the top of the page, there will be a notification stating This branch is 1 commit behind learn-co-students:main.
    • Click on the Fetch upstream dropdown and select Fetch and merge
    • Once the fetch and merge has completed, navigate to the cloned repository via Terminal with cd SENG-LIVE-121321-phase-2 before running git pull
    • Navigate to the given lecture's Starter Code and open in VSCode (or code editor of your choice):
      • cd SENG-LIVE121321-phase-2/lectures/01-intro-to-react
      • code .
        • Handy trick for directly opening up directories from Terminal in VSCode