Setup TiDB Cluster on a Single Machine ⚡️

This repository provides the necessary configurations and files to set up a TiDB cluster on a single machine for testing or development purposes.

📂 Project Structure

├── config
│   ├── dashboards
│   ├── grafana
│   ├── placement-driver
│   ├── prometheus
│   ├── tidb
│   ├── tiflash
│   └── tikv
├── data
├── docker-compose.yml
├── logs

Key Directories

  • config/: Configuration files for Grafana, Prometheus, TiDB, TiKV, TiFlash and Placement Driver.
  • data/: Contains runtime data for Grafana, Prometheus, and TiKV, PD, TiFlash
  • logs/: Logs for all components in the TiDB cluster.

🛠️ Prerequisites

Before setting up the TiDB cluster, ensure the following are installed on your machine:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • At least 8 CPU cores and 16GB RAM for optimal performance

🚀 Quick Start

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone
cd tidb-single-machine

Step 2: Configure Settings

Review and modify configuration files under the config/ directory if necessary.

Step 3: Start the Cluster

Use Docker Compose to bring up the cluster:

docker compose up -d

Step 4: Access Components

  • Grafana: http://localhost:3000
  • Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
  • TiDB: Connect using a MySQL client at

Step 5: Stop the Cluster

To stop the cluster, run:

docker compose down

📊 Monitoring and Visualization

Grafana Dashboards

Grafana dashboards are pre-configured for TiDB monitoring. They are located in:


Key dashboards

  • Overview: overview.json
  • Placement Driver: pd.json
  • TiDB: tidb.json
  • TiKV Pull: tikv_pull.json

🔍 Troubleshooting

Common Issues

  1. Docker Container Fails to Start:

    • Check logs in the logs/ directory for detailed error messages.
  2. High Resource Usage:

    • Ensure your machine meets the recommended resource requirements.


Component logs are available in the logs/ directory for troubleshooting:

  • placement-driver-server-*.log
  • tidb.log
  • tikv-server-*.log
  • tiflash-server-*.log

📚 Additional Resources

🌐 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

✨ Contributors

Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve this repository!