
Formatting random password generator

Primary LanguageC

Frpg: 	Formatting Random Password Generator
	Get complex password with format to remember easy.

Parameter specifies:
	-l n: lowercase letters [a-z] of n times
	-u n: uppercase letters [A-Z]of n times
	-d n: digital number [1-9] of n times
	-p n: punctuations such !#$%&... of n times
	-s n: [A-Za-z] of n times
	-e n: [a-z0-9] of n times
	-E n: [A-Z0-9] of n times
	-w n: [A-Za-z0-9] of n times
	-a n: [A-Za-z0-9] and punctuations of n times
	-n n: the number of passwords you need, default one
	-h: print help
	-v: print version

	default -w 8

	$ gcc -o frpg frpg.c
	$ ./frpg -l 3 -d 4 -u 2 -p 1

	No password length limitation
	Support arbitrary format
	Supports batch password generate