
Primary LanguageHTML

Grunt Template

Web Development with Grunt, Grunt Templating Task and SCSS.

Set Up

  1. Clone This
  2. mv /path/to/repo/grunt-project /path/to/repo/{Project Name}
  3. cd into the project
  4. rm -rf .git
  5. git init
  6. Add the new repo git remote add origin {new git repo}
  7. git push -u origin master
  8. run npm install (sudo if you get any access errors)
  9. run grunt for all the goodness

Grunt Plugins

  • Clean
  • Copy
  • Sass
  • Watch
  • Browser Sync
  • scss lint
  • html hint
  • csslint
  • git deploy
  • Template (From Sorin)

Grunt Tasks

  • build compiles SCSS and Template Files
  • default task
  • htmllint runs template and htmllint
  • git_deploy uploads build to github pages
  • watch watches template/ and scss and compiles changes

Grunt Default Task

  • clean /build/
  • copy 'img/, js/ and svg/ into build
  • build
  • browserSync runs server and pushes changes
  • watch ... watches.

Deploying to Github Pages

Upload the current /buiild folder to Github Pages

Change the git_deploy task options to the url for your repo.

url: 'git@github.com:{YOUR/URL.git}

Editing HTML

Your HTML templates will go in templates/ and you can add your chunks to your template with

<%= include('include/{yourfile}.html') %>

Variables in your includes

Add variables in the files you want to include like this

<%= var %>

Call your variables in your template like this

<%= include('include/{file}', {
  var: "content"
}) %>