
A short interview assignment written in JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello Remesh!

A simple front-end and back-end implementation.


$ git clone https://github.com/hairarrow/remesh-interview.git
$ cd remesh-interview
$ yarn && cd client; yarn
$ yarn start:dev

You should be able to view the app by visiting locahost:3000.

You could also visit localhost:5000/api/[questions || votes || users || messages]

The App

  • I created the mock data from the Remesh Fake Server repo and the data is being served with express and json-server. I'm using json-server to get up and running quickly.
  • The express app is configured to work with React Router
  • Animations throught the application are handled with CSS
  • I pulled in a couple external components to add some visual nicities that would have taken up a bit too much time to spin up from scratch
    • react-css-transition-group
    • react-flip-move: adds a sort effect when filtering messages
    • react-animated-number: steps through every number between the intial value and a new value. I did this to show simple feedback after taking an action on a session
  • Works best on desktop screen sizes... womp