Test Repo for enabling podman in Eclipse Che / OpenShift Dev Spaces

This repo is for my attempts to get full podman capabilities working in OpenShift Dev Spaces (Eclipse Che)

The capability is needed for the following non-exclusive list:

  • Java test-containers
  • AWS development with Localstack
  • AWS Lambda development with SAM CLI
  • Ansible development

Early Demo Here - Eclipse Che / OpenShift Dev Spaces - Podman With Fuse Overlay

Notes for Fully Working Demo

NOTE: Do not apply these changes to a production or shared instance of OCP. These changes will put your cluster in a non-upgradable state

  1. Install butane:


    We need butane to assist with the creation of MachineConfigs. It's really handy for that.

    Note: If you previously followed one of my blog posts to install your OpenShift cluster, then you should already have butane installed.

  2. Apply the following MachineConfig: Note: Your cluster will restart the targeted nodes.

    This MachineConfig does 3 things:

    1. Allow Pods with the io.openshift.nested-podman access to /dev/fuse and /dev/net/tun
    2. Load the kernel modules: tun, rtnl-link-bridge, and ipt_addrtype
    3. Apply an selinux module.
  3. Set a variable for the OpenShift Node role that you are going to apply the changes to:

    If you are using a Single Node cluster or OpenShift Local, then set:


    If you are using an OpenShift cluster with separate control-plane and compute nodes, then set:

  4. Apply the MachineConfig:

    cat << EOF | butane | oc apply -f -
    variant: openshift
    version: 4.13.0
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: ${NODE_ROLE}
      name: nested-podman-${NODE_ROLE}
      - path: /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/99-nested-podman
        mode: 0644
        overwrite: true
          inline: |
            activation_annotation = "io.openshift.nested-podman"
            allowed_annotations = [
            allowed_devices = [
      - path: /etc/modules-load.d/nested-podman.conf
        mode: 0644
        overwrite: true
          inline: |
      - path: /etc/nested-podman/nested-podman.te
        mode: 0644
        overwrite: true
          inline: |
            module nested-podman 1.0;
            require {
              type container_t;
              type cgroup_t;
              type devpts_t;
              type tmpfs_t;
              type sysfs_t;
              type nsfs_t;
              type devpts_t;
              type proc_t;
              type sysctl_t;
              type sysctl_irq_t;
              type proc_kcore_t;
              class dir mounton;
              class chr_file { setattr open} ;
              class file mounton;
              class filesystem { mount remount unmount };
            allow container_t tmpfs_t:filesystem mount;
            allow container_t devpts_t:filesystem mount;
            allow container_t devpts_t:filesystem remount;
            allow container_t devpts_t:chr_file open;
            allow container_t devpts_t:chr_file setattr;
            allow container_t nsfs_t:filesystem unmount;
            allow container_t sysfs_t:filesystem mount;
            allow container_t sysfs_t:filesystem remount;
            allow container_t cgroup_t:filesystem remount;
            allow container_t proc_kcore_t:file mounton;
            allow container_t proc_t:dir mounton;
            allow container_t proc_t:file mounton;
            allow container_t proc_t:filesystem mount;
            allow container_t sysctl_irq_t:dir mounton;
            allow container_t sysctl_t:dir mounton;
            allow container_t sysctl_t:file mounton;
      - contents: |
          Description=Modify SeLinux Type container_t to allow devpts_t and tmpfs_t
          ExecStart=bash -c "/bin/checkmodule -M -m -o /tmp/nested-podman.mod /etc/nested-podman/nested-podman.te && /bin/semodule_package -o /tmp/nested-podman.pp -m /tmp/nested-podman.mod && /sbin/semodule -i /tmp/nested-podman.pp"
        enabled: true
        name: systemd-nested-podman-selinux.service
  5. Enable the ProcMountType Kubernetes feature gate.

    Note: Because this feature gate is still in Alpha state, enabling it will render your cluster non-upgradable.

    oc patch FeatureGate cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"featureSet":"CustomNoUpgrade","customNoUpgrade":{"enabled":["ProcMountType"]}}}'

Run the Demos

  1. Create an Eclipse Che workspace from this git repo: https://github.com/cgruver/openshift-nested-containers.git

Run a container:

  1. Open a terminal into the openshift-nested-containers project.

  2. Clear the CONTAINER_HOST environment variable: (We're going to run this without a "remote" podman socket)

  3. Run the following:

    podman run -d --rm --name webserver -p 8080:80 quay.io/libpod/banner
    curl http://localhost:8080
  4. Run an interactive container:

    podman run -it --rm registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi-minimal

Demo of Ansible Navigator

  1. Clear the CONTAINER_HOST environment variable: (We're going to run this without a "remote" podman socket)

  2. Open a terminal into the ansible-demo project.

  3. Run the following command:

    ansible-navigator run helloworld.yaml

Demo of AWS SAM CLI with Podman

  1. Use the Task Manager extension to run the Start Podman Service task.

  2. Open a terminal in the sam-cli-demo project:

    sam init --name sam-py-app --architecture=x86_64 --location="./python3.9/hello" --no-tracing --no-application-insights --no-input
    cd sam-py-app
    sam build
    sam local start-api --debug --docker-network=podman
  3. Open a second terminal to invoke the Lambda function:


Demo of Quarkus Dev Services with Podman

  1. Open a terminal in the quarkus-dev-services-demo project:

    mvn clean
    mvn test

Demo of AWS Dev With Localstack with Podman

  1. Use the Task Manager extension to run the Start Localstack Service task.

  2. Open a terminal in the localstack-demo project:

    make deploy
    awslocal s3 ls s3://archive-bucket/