A very simple BlackJack game built with Nameko microservices framework.
- Enable code reuse where possible (Deck is generic, Player is generic, Game is project specific).
- Enable horizontal scaling by keeping services loosely coupled, seperate databases too.
- This is a tech demo so it was smashed out quickly, this is not an excuse but there be dragons.
- Service must operate over RPC.
- Make it easy to switch database engine.
- Use migrations to avoid having to manually mess with a database (what year is it?)
- Test coverage is unacceptable, this is not a real world project.
- I ran out of time to implement the various Docker containers but these would have been:
- Postgres container for each service.
- Application container for each service.
- RabbitMQ container.
- Some sort of load balancer such as Traefik
- I would have also liked to explore adding an HTTP / WebSocket API.
- If this was a real project I would have built a proper frontend for it (probably with React.JS)
- SQLAlchemy - 1.1.9
- SQLAlchemy-Utils - 0.32.14
- Nameko - 2.5.4
- Nameko-SQLAlchemy - 0.1.0
- Marshmallow - 2.13.5
- Marshmallow-SQLAlchemy - 0.13.1
- Alembic - 0.9.1
You will need a database driver, the default is psycopg2 but you could use sqlite or whatever.
- Psycopg2 - 2.7.1
- py.test - 3.0.7
You can install the wrapper package:
pip install .
You must then also install the services
pip install src/services/base
pip install src/services/decks
pip install src/services/games
pip install src/services/players
To create / update the database schema run the following command:
python black_mushroom/migrate.py
nameko run black_mushroom.app --config black_mushroom/config.yml
Run one or more of the following commands:
nameko run black_mushroom.players.services --config config.yml
nameko run black_mushroom.decks.services --config config.yml
nameko run black_mushroom.games.services --config config.yml
You can interact with this application by using the Nameko shell, run the following:
nameko shell --config config.yml
This gives you a prompt back which you can use to call services for example to start a game:
After running the above command you should get a game_id returned, you can interact with the game like so:
or alternatively you could choose to stick
Which should return you a JSON representation of the game state.
You can install the test requirements by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
When running tests you can pass database test url with --test-db-url
parameter or override db_url
py.test black_mushroom/tests.py
py.test src/black_mushroom/tests.py --test-db-url=sqlite:///test_db.sql
Each service can be run in an independent Docker container, all dependencies (e.g. PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ etc) can be run as Docker containers. This is all handled by a docker-compose file.
If you would like to start all services under Docker please run the following command:
docker-compose run --rm wait_for_rabbit && docker-compose up