Weather widget using React and ExpressJS

A simple client and server app, client connects with server via API, server calls OpenWeatherMap API to fetch weather info. Client is rendered server side in order to facilitate search engine visibility and to avoid javascript issues on client side.


screenshot1 screenshot2


Clone this repository:

git clone

Server app (ExpressJS)

Backend API is actually a wrapper, which is a middleware to communicate with OpenWeatherMap API. This wrapper can be configured to use any weather info service.

Server setup

First install the required modules, navigate to 'server' folder and run:

npm install 

Add API Key

Navigate to server/app/config/, edit config.js and add API Key for OpenWeatherMap API.

Once the modules are installed and API key is set, run server:

npm run server 

Backend Tests

Tests can be run using:

npm run test 

Client setup

First install the required modules, navigate to 'client' folder and run:

npm install 

Once the modules are installed, run client:

npm run start 

Client Tests

Best way to run client side tests is using yarn:

yarn jest