
A demo operator built with kubebuilder

Primary LanguageGo

This is a simple Kubernetes operator built using kubebuilder. We are attempting to create a simple platform as a service offering where a user can provide URL to a git repo, and platform takes care of provisioning backend and database for it.

A simple resource will look like this:

apiVersion: paas.example.com/v1
kind: Box
  name: php-box
  runtime: php
  gitURL: https://github.com/haisum/k99s.git
  gitSubPath: docker/php/src
  backend: mysql
  bootstrapSQL: |
    CREATE TABLE php_user(
      id int not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT

As of now, this project has implementation for php and go runtimes, and mysql backend.

Cluster setup

  1. Install k3d.

  2. Create a file registries.yaml with contents:

      - http://k3d-registry.localhost:5000
  1. Create cluster and registry
k3d registry create registry.localhost --port=5000
k3d cluster create --agents=2  --registry-config registries.yaml  --registry-use k3d-registry.localhost:5000 \
    -p 8443:443@loadbalancer -p 8088:80@loadbalancer
  1. Build and push runtime images for php and go:
cd docker/php
docker build . -t localhost:5000/php:1.0
docker push localhost:5000/php:1.0

cd ../go
docker build . -t localhost:5000/go:1.0
docker push localhost:5000/go:1.0

Operator setup

Install crd by running make install. Verify by running kubectl get box.

Do one of these:

  • Run controller locally: make run
  • Run controller on cluster:
    1. build and push operator image: make docker-build && make docker-push
    2. deploy operator on cluster: make deploy

Try it

  • kubectl apply -f config/samples/config/samples/paas_v1_box.yaml
  • kubectl get box

Put this in /etc/hosts: php-box.k99s-paas.com go-box.k99s-paas.com

Open http://php-box.k99s-paas.com:8088 in browser.