
A program to monitor teamcity builds and send email alerts to relevant developers

Primary LanguageGo

This is a program to monitor teamcity and generate email alerts to relevant developers.


  • Gets all recent builds of a build configuration
  • If last build failed:
    • If we haven't sent email about it in M minutes:
      • If there are code changes:
        • Send email to all users who made changes
        • Cc important people who should be in all emails
      • If there are no code changes:
        • Send email to important people
    • If we have sent email recently:
      • Do nothing
  • If last build is successfull
    • Do nothing


Configuration can be done via environment variables. See env.sh for details of available configurations.


go build main.go -o tcbuildmonitor


go install github.com/haisum/tcbuildmonitor


source env.sh tcbuildmonitor