
Asynchronous TCP framework written in golang

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Light-weight TCP Asynchronous gOlang framework 轻量级TCP异步框架,Go语言实现 1.6.0

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  • Golang 1.9 and above


go get -u -v github.com/leesper/tao


A Chat Server Example in 50 Lines

package main

import (


// ChatServer is the chatting server.
type ChatServer struct {

// NewChatServer returns a ChatServer.
func NewChatServer() *ChatServer {
	onConnectOption := tao.OnConnectOption(func(conn tao.WriteCloser) bool {
		holmes.Infoln("on connect")
		return true
	onErrorOption := tao.OnErrorOption(func(conn tao.WriteCloser) {
		holmes.Infoln("on error")
	onCloseOption := tao.OnCloseOption(func(conn tao.WriteCloser) {
		holmes.Infoln("close chat client")
	return &ChatServer{
		tao.NewServer(onConnectOption, onErrorOption, onCloseOption),

func main() {
	defer holmes.Start().Stop()

	tao.Register(chat.ChatMessage, chat.DeserializeMessage, chat.ProcessMessage)

	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "", 12345))
	if err != nil {
		holmes.Fatalln("listen error", err)
	chatServer := NewChatServer()
	err = chatServer.Start(l)
	if err != nil {
		holmes.Fatalln("start error", err)



  1. Bugfix: writeLoop() drains all pending messages before exit;
  2. Renaming getter methods according to Effective Go;
    根据Effective Go重命名getter方法;
  3. Bugfix: timer task expired forever due to system clock affected by NTP;
  4. Bugfix: asyncWrite() do not return error if called after ServerConn or ClientConn closes;
  5. Providing WorkerSizeOption() for tuning the size of worker go-routine pool;
  6. Providing BufferSizeOption() for tuning the size of buffered channel;
  7. Providing ReconnectOption() for activating ClientConn's reconnecting mechanism;
  8. Providing CustomCodecOption() for setting self-defined codec;
    提供CustomCodecOption() 来设置自定义编解码器;
  9. Providing TLSCredsOption() for running a TLS server;
  10. Providing OnConnectOption(), OnMessageOption(), OnCloseOption() and OnErrorOption() for setting callbacks of the four situations respectively;
    提供OnConnectOption(), OnMessageOption(), OnCloseOption() 和 OnErrorOption()来设置四种情况下的回调函数;
  11. Use the standard sync.Map instead of map guarded by rwmutex;


  1. A Golang-style redesigning of the overall framework, a reduce about 500+ lines of codes;
  2. Providing new Server, ClientConn and ServerConn struct and a WriteCloser interface;
  3. Using standard context package to manage and spread request-scoped data acrossing go-routines;
  4. Graceful stopping, all go-routines are related by context, and they will be noticed and exit when server stops or connection closes;
  5. Providing new type HandlerFunc func(context.Context, WriteCloser) for defining message handlers;
  6. Developers can now use NewContextWithMessage() and MessageFromContext() to put and get message they are about to use in handler function's context, this also leads to a more clarified design;
  7. Go-routine functions readLoop(), writeLoop() and handleLoop() are all optimized to serve both ServerConn and ClientConn, serveral dead-lock bugs such as blocking on channels are fixed;
  8. Reconnecting mechanism of ClientConn is redesigned and optimized;


  1. bugfix:TLS重连失败问题;
    bugfix: failed to reconnect the TLS connection;
  2. bugfix:ConnectionMap死锁问题;
    bugfix: ConnectionMap dead-lock problem;
  3. 优化TCP网络连接的关闭过程;
    Optimize the closing process of TCP connection;
  4. 优化服务器的关闭过程;
    Optimize the closing process of server;
  5. 更优雅的消息处理注册接口;
    More elegant message handler register interface;


  1. bugfix:修复断线重连状态不一致问题;
    bugfix: fixed inconsistent status caused by reconnecting;
  2. bugfix:修复ServerConnection和TimingWheel在连接关闭时并发访问导致崩溃问题;
    bugfix: fixed a corruption caused by concurrent accessing between ServerConnection and TimingWheel during connection closing;
  3. 无锁且线程安全的TimingWheel,优化CPU占用率;
    Lock-free and thread-safe TimingWheel, optimized occupancy rate;
  4. bugfix:修复TLS配置文件读取函数;
    bugfix: Fixed errors when loading TLS config;
  5. 添加消息相关的Context结构;简化消息注册机制,直接注册处理函数到HandlerMap;
    A message-related Context struct added; Register handler functions in HandlerMap directly to simplify message registration mechanism;
  6. 合并NewClientConnection()和NewTLSClientConnection(),提供一致的API;
    Combine NewTLSConnection() into NewClientConnection(), providing a consistent API;
  7. 工作者线程池改造成单例模式;
    Make WorkerPool a singleton pattern;
  8. 使用Holmes日志库代替glog;
    Using Holmes logging package instead of glog;
  9. 添加metrics.go:基于expvar标准包导出服务器关键信息;
    Add metrics.go: exporting critical server information based on expvar standard pacakge;
  10. 编写中文版框架设计原理文档,英文版正在翻译中;
    A document about framework designing principles in Chinese, English version under developed;


  1. 更优雅的消息注册接口;
    More elegant message register interface;
  2. TCPConnection的断线重连机制;
    TCPConnection reconnecting upon closing;
  3. bugfix:协议未注册时不关闭客户端连接;
    bugfix: Don't close client when messages not registered;
  4. bugfix:在readLoop()协程中处理心跳时间戳更新;
    bugfix: Updating heart-beat timestamp in readLoop() go-routine;
  5. bugfix:Message接口使用Serialize()替代之前的MarshalBinary(),以免框架使用者使用gob.Encoder/Decoder的时候栈溢出;
    bugfix: Use Serialize() instead of MarshalBinary() in Message interface, preventing stack overflows when framework users use gob.Encoder/Decoder;
  6. bugfix:当应用层数据长度大于0时才对其进行序列化;
    bugfix: Serialize application data when its length greater than 0;
  7. 新API:SetCodec(),允许TCPConnection自定义编解码器;
    New API: SetCodec() allowing TCPConnection defines its own codec;
  8. 新API:SetDBInitializer(),允许框架使用者定义数据访问接口;
    New API: SetDBInitializer() allowing framework users define data access interface;
  9. 允许框架使用者在TCPConnection上设置自定义数据;
    Allowing framework users setting custom data on TCPConnection;
  10. 为新客户端连接的启动单独开辟一个对应的go协程;
    Allocating a corresponding go-routine for newly-connected clients respectively;
  11. bugfix:写事件循环在连接关闭时将信道中的数据全部发送出去;
    bugfix: writeLoop() flushes all packets left in channel when performing closing;
  12. bugfix:服务器和客户端连接等待所有go协程关闭后再退出;
    bugfix: Servers and client connections wait for the exits of all go-routines before shutting down;
  13. 重构Server和Connection,采用针对接口编程的设计;
    Refactoring Server and Connection, adopting a programming-by-interface design;
  14. 设置500毫秒读超时,防止readLoop()发生阻塞;
    Setting 500ms read-timeout prevents readLoop() from blocking;


  1. 添加注释,提高代码可读性;
    Add comments, make it more readable;
  2. 限制服务器的最大并发连接数(默认1000);
    Server max connections limit (default to 1000);
  3. 新API:NewTLSTCPServer() 创建传输层安全的TCP服务器;
    New API: NewTLSTCPServer() for creating TLS-supported TCP server;
  4. 新特性:SetOnScheduleCallback() 由框架使用者来定义计划任务(比如心跳);
    New Feature: SetOnScheduleCallback() make scheduled task managed by framwork users(such as heart beat);
  5. 新特性:支持默认的消息编解码器TypeLengthValueCodec,并允许框架使用者开发自定义编解码器;
    Support TypeLengthValueCodec by default, while allowing framework users develop their own codecs;


  1. 完全异步的读,写以及消息处理;
    Completely asynchronous reading, writing and message handling;
  2. 工作者协程池;
    Worker go-routine pool;
  3. 并发数据结构和原子数据类型;
    Concurrent data structure and atomic data types;
  4. 毫秒精度的定时器功能;
    Millisecond-precision timer function;
  5. 传输层安全支持;
    Transport layer security support;
  6. 应用层心跳协议;
    Application-level heart-beating protocol;

More Documentation

  1. Tao - Go语言实现的TCP网络编程框架
  2. English(TBD)