Optimization and Interdependencies

This repo contains all the code, data and documentation for one of my senior-year integrated design projects at the University of Illinois at Urbana--Champaign. There are two parts:

1- Economic Input / Output model of US critical infrastructure

Model critical infrastructure systems in the US using the Economic Input/Output model and evaluate their interdependency using data. Compute coefficient of dependency to model the impact of damage/improvement to one infrastructure system and evaluate propagation rate.

2- Multi-objective optimization of US electricitiy grid

Given data on electricity generation plants (cost, emissions, base load, power, variance), minimize risk, emissions and cost while meeting electricity demand from all sectors at all times. Use constrained optimization, weighting scheme to find Pareto frontier and evaluate multiple solutions with Monte Carlo simulation.

Detailed report for part 1: PART-2-Final.pdf Detailed report for part 2: report/part4