
Flutter & Dart Power an Elegant Weather App. 🌦️📱 Crafted with Style, Easy on the Eyes. 🌟

Primary LanguageDart

⛅ Weather Trackr ☔

A user-friendly Weather App, designed for quick access to accurate weather information. Developed with simplicity in mind, providing real-time updates. 🌦️📱

📌 Features

  • 🌍 Current weather conditions at a glance.
  • ⏰ Hourly and daily forecasts for accurate planning.
  • 📍 Location-based weather updates.
  • 🌅 5-day weather forecast for advanced planning.
  • 🔍 City-based search for specific weather details.
  • 🎨 Intuitive and minimalist design for ease of use.
  • 🌟 Animated weather icons for visual appeal.
  • 🚀 Seamless navigation for a smooth user experience.
  • 🌐 Reliable data sourced from reputable weather services.

📱 Screenshots

app_weather_example_flutter (1)

📄 API Docs


This project utilizes version 3.0 of the OpenWeatherMap API.
APIs used in this project :

Please ensure to choose or access the one-call-3 API for optimal results.

🎥 Video



  • Change /*..APIKEY..*/ with your APIKEY
class ApiConstants {
  static const String apiBaseUrl = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/";
  static const String apiKey = "/*..APIKEY..*/";

  // Weather Endpoints Constants
  static const String defaultExclude = 'hourly,minutely,alerts';

📦 Packages in use :

  • BloC
  • dio
  • freezed
  • freezed_annotation
  • retrofit
  • retrofit_generator
  • json_annotation
  • json_serializable
  • geolocator
  • geocoding

Stay informed with Weather App – Your daily weather companion! 🌤️🌧️📱