
project-2-bill-ginger created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageGo

TritonHTTP Web Server


Step 0: You need to install Go to work with the assignment.

Step 1: You need to add directory into .bash_profile (for OS X environment) or .bashrc to let the compiler knows where to find the dependencies

	export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin     # making sure go is on path
	export GOPATH=<path-to-repo>
	export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin           


	export GOPATH=/[The directory you put this folder]/Project-1/
	export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

^ you need to add these lines in your .bashrc file and source .bashrc to activate them.

Step 2: When you run your code, we are currently using the run-server.sh script. It basically runs a immediate compilation and looks for dependency. You will encounter errors like:

	cannot find package "github.com/go-ini/ini" in any of:
		/usr/local/go/src/github.com/go-ini/ini (from $GOROOT)
		/Desktop/Project-1/src/github.com/go-ini/ini (from $GOPATH)

That's because we usually don't include the dependency directory into our repository. Thus, we need to download the dependency. example:

	go get github.com/go-ini/ini

Step 3: Now, you should be able to run the script.

	run-server.sh [config_file]

In the config file, under the [httpd] section, set

  • `use_default_server=true` to run Go's internal http web server
  • `use_default_server=false` to run your TritonHTTP web server

    Building a simple web server that implements TritonHTTP

    Understand the starter code and explore Go's internal http web server.


    The server program starts in



    This package contains the skeleton code for developing the tritonhttp web server. You need to implement the methods which have panic("todo - methodName") as their body.

    1. httpd_structs.go has the structures that can be used to initialize the new server
    2. httpd_server.go has the skeleton methods for initializing and starting the new server
    3. http_request_handler.go has the skeleton methods for handling an incoming connection and subsequent requests
    4. http_response_handler.go has the skeleton methods for handling various types of responses based on the request
    5. server_utils.go has utility functions


    Follow the testing strategies linked from the project description

    For Simple testing :

    1. Set use_default_server=false in the config file and start the server using run-server.sh [config_file] [hosts.json].

    2. Once the server is launched, test it's functionality using a browser, curl, netcat or a custom client.

    3. The directories sample_htdocs and sample_htdocs_2 (populated with some sample files) has been provided in the starter code to help with testing. Verify the TritonHTTP server's functionality by accessing the files in this directory, and the reason we provide two directories is so you can test virtual hosting.