
Introduction: I'd like to introduce my plan and what am i learn. In fact, I create three different activities, Main-Activity, Munu-Activity and Order-Activity. In this app, those 3 activities represent different functions. In the main-activity, the user need to log in app. In the Munu-Activities, the user can select the food and quantity, and see the image of food and price. In the last activity, the user can see the result of his previous operation. There is only one thing I need to mention, I set username: Hanson and passwords: 123 as default.

How to use this app:

  1. user need to enter Username: Hanson, Passwords: 123 to log in app. (username: Hanson and passwords: 123 as default)
  2. user can click the picture and there would be showing selecting number of order. The user can select quantity. After finishing order, user can click the top of right button (Place order) to next interface.
  3. In the last activity, user can check the result of order and total price.