Analytics Dashboard for Activeloop


Deployed with Streamlit sharing. The stable release is accessible here.

You may also clone to your current directory and run the code locally in the following way:

git clone .
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run


  1. Streamlit sharing enforces Python 3.7 on the code, which leads to issues like SyntaxErrors in the original dashboard source file, To stay compliant with Python 3.7, I use python-walrus package to modify the source with the following command:

    walrus -vs 3.8 -s >

    The resulting file,, is used in Streamlit sharing. You can adapt it for previous Python 3 versions in a similar fashion.

  2. The requirements file for this code is generated with pipreqs:

    pipreqs --savepath requirements.txt
  3. This code could be easily adapted to other repositories than activeloopai/Hub if needed.

  4. The data is fetched and updated on refresh of the dashboard, however not more frequently than every hour. It may take up to 2 minutes to load if not used frequently.