
Android app for getting weather of location selected

Primary LanguageKotlin


WeatherApp is an Android application that helps you to get the forecast and temperature for specific locations , This app is based on the worldweatheronline.com.


  • Application builds on MVVM and Clean Code
  • Kotlin language
  • Using Dependency Injection ( Hilt )
  • App support offline ( Room DB )
  • Hide api keys using C++
  • Android Crypto Service
  • Pull to refresh
  • Support both Grid and Vertical layout

Basic Usage

  • Download the code and start fetching weather information about your favorite cities.


Build and install

Import Project into Andorid Studio.

In Android Studio, click on the "Run" button.

If you have everything set up correctly:

  • The app will fetch cities are defined before ( Amman, Irbid, Aqaba)
  • You can add new city by search and click on it.
  • App updates the weather every time you run the app or by pull to refresh feature