
It's React, but in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


It's React, but in Python. It includes react_cli, which helps developing and building frontend web applications without depending on Node.js and/or Webpack, and without JavaScript knowledge.

Preparing the development environment

  1. Create a new virtual environment: python -m venv env/
  2. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  3. Install the library as editable (for development or until it is available on PyPI): pip install -e . - searches for setup.py, which is going to install the react and react_cli packages as editable

Using react_cli

$ python -m react_cli
usage: react_cli [-h] {dev,build}
react_cli: error: the following arguments are required: command

Developing a project

python -m react_cli dev

It is going to start a live development server, which is going to reload the page automatically when saving.

The entrypoint of the web application is going to be src/app.py, so the app.py file must be created prior opening the command above.

Building a project

python -m react_cli build

It is going to deliver the built assets in the build/ folder, including the provided modules.



def app():
    return """
    <h2> Best frontend frameworks: </h2>

        <li> React.py </li>
        <li> React.js </li>
        <li> Angular </li>

from app2 import powers_of_two



def powers_of_two():
    result = "<table>")
    result += "<tr> <th>N</th> <th>2<sup>N</sup></th></tr>"
    for i in range(20):
        result += f"<tr> <td> {i} </td> <td> {2**i} </td> </tr>"

    result += "</table>"
    return result

Running example: Running example

Customizing the HTML template

react_cli makes use of Jinja2 to compile an HTML file based on the template at the following path: public/index.html.jinja.

Adding dependencies

PyScript makes use of the <py-env> tag, which is a list of dependencies in YAML format, like so:

- numpy
- scipy

There is a special entry in this list called - paths, which allows listing custom modules written by the user. react_cli searches for all the Python files in the src/ folder and provides the list of found files through the provided imports variable.

Template arguments Description Default
imports The list of imported modules All Python modules from src/, returned by react_cli._resolve_imports

Modifying the entry point

By default, react_cli lists all files from src/ and automatically imports the app module, which implicitly is going to run it

    import app

Adding JavaScript and/or CSS

For JavaScript, add the <script> tag anywhere in the template. For CSS, add inline styling with the style attribute or use the <link rel="stylesheet" href="..."> tag.