
Cat pics for HTTP codes in Telegram. Enjoy a purr-fect HTTP journey! 😸🌐

Primary LanguagePython

Meow HTTP Bot 🐱🌐

Meow HTTP Bot is a fun and informative Telegram bot that provides users with cat pictures based on HTTP status codes. Whether you're curious about a particular HTTP status code or just want to enjoy some cute cat images, this bot has got you covered!


  • Cat Pictures: Send an HTTP status code to the bot, and it will respond with a corresponding cat picture. It's a delightful way to visualize different HTTP statuses!
  • Bot Information: Use commands like /botdev to get information about the developer of the bot, /apidev to learn about the developer of the API used by the bot, and /imagesrc to find out the source of the cat images.
  • HTTP Status Info: Need more information about HTTP status codes? Just send /httpstatus to the bot, and it will provide you with additional details.

How to Use

  1. Start the Bot: Simply start a chat with the bot by searching for @MeowHTTP_bot on Telegram.
  2. Send Status Code: Send any valid HTTP status code to the bot to receive a cat picture corresponding to that status code, plus a description of the status.
  3. Explore Commands: Use commands like /botdev, /apidev, /imagesrc, and /httpstatus to get more information.

Get Started

To start using Meow HTTP Bot, simply click here to open it in Telegram, then follow the instructions above.

Enjoy the cat-filled HTTP journey! πŸš€πŸ±