
RPA Framework in Docker, with xvfb

Primary LanguageRobotFramework

RPA Framework in Docker, with xvfb


This image is based on Alpine 3.16, also contains xvfb, chromedriver and RPA Framework

The resources, test cases and reports should be mounted as volumes.

Running the container

Pull the image :

    docker pull hajare/rpa-xvfb:alpine

After pulling the image, run the container using the following script:

    docker run \
    -v <path to the resources folder>:/resources \
    -v <path to the tests folder>:/tests \
    -v <path to results folder>:/results \
    --rm hajare/rpa-xvfb:alpine \
    bash -c "robot tests/" \ 
    --outputdir /results /tests/

GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD

This image can be used in GitHub actions and GitLab CI/CD as follows:

  • GitLab : .gitlab-ci.yml

      image: hajare/rpa-xvfb:alpine
      stage: test
          - robot tests/
  • GitHub : main.yml

          runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          container: hajare/rpa-xvfb:alpine
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run RobotFramework tests
          run: |
              robot tests/