
Study instance reduction performed on data used for a Lazy Learning classification approach and the performance obtained before and after the removal of examples.

Primary LanguagePython

Running script for the first time

Open project’s root folder in terminal:

cd <root_folder_of_project>/ 

Create virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv/ 

Open virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate 

Install required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Close virtual environment:


Execute scripts

Open folder in terminal:

cd <root_folder_of_project>/

Open the virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Run all experiments for a given data set

In this main file the dataset for which to run experiments is entered by the user through the command window. It will execute all the possible combinations for the k-NN algorithm for the given data set and will store the results in two text files (.txt) for the mean results and each one of the iterations results. Some results are also shown in terminal while the code is executing.

python3 kNNAlgorithm.py

Run instance reduction on a given data set

In this main file first the reduction technique to be applied and then the data set to be reduced are entered by the user through the command window. The code will execute the reduction technique defined for the data set given, and will store the results obtained in a text file (.txt). Some results are also shown in terminal.

python3 reductionKNNAlgorithm.py