
Prototype App that shows how a user can navigate from a table view controller to a detail view controller when the he/she taps on any of the cells of a table view

Primary LanguageSwift


Prototype App that shows how a user can navigate from a table view controller to a detail view controller when the he/she taps on any of the cells of a table view


  1. Use of Mark comments to better structure our code dividing it into recognizable groups
    • MARK:
    • Line separators
    • Use of todo and fixme comments
      • TODO:
      • FIXME:
  2. Create a table view controller in the Storyboard
  3. Insert data into table views
    • Numbers of rows in section
      • UITableViewDatasource tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
    • Fill the cells
      • UITableView
        • dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier identifier: String,for indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
  4. Navigation
    • React to users taping a cell in a table view
      • UITableViewDelegate
        • tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
    • Transitioning between table view controllers and detail view controllers through Segue arrows.
    • Send data from one Table View Controller to another View Controller
    • Show data in a detail view controller through a transition


  1. Build a prototype App that has a table view controller in the main screen.
  2. Fill the cells of the table view with the name of an Item type stored in an array.
  3. When the user taps any _cell there is a navigation to a detail view controller showing the description of the corresponding Item type.


Tuesday 16 November 9:15 am