Prototype App that shows how a user can navigate from a table view controller to a detail view controller when the he/she taps on any of the cells of a table view
- Use of Mark comments to better structure our code dividing it into recognizable groups
- Line separators
- Use of todo and fixme comments
- Create a table view controller in the Storyboard
- Insert data into table views
- Numbers of rows in section
UITableViewDatasource tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
- Fill the cells
dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier identifier: String,for indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
- Numbers of rows in section
- Navigation
- React to users taping a cell in a table view
tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
- Transitioning between table view controllers and detail view controllers through Segue arrows.
- Send data from one Table View Controller to another View Controller
- Show data in a detail view controller through a transition
- React to users taping a cell in a table view
- Build a prototype App that has a table view controller in the main screen.
- Fill the cells of the table view with the name of an
type stored in an array. - When the user taps any _cell there is a navigation to a detail view controller showing the description of the corresponding
Tuesday 16 November 9:15 am