
Rails application template

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Rails Application Templates for Bottega8

alt tag

Development and testing steps

To make local changes to this gem, clone this repository then:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run bundle install to install development dependencies
  3. Develop/modify the source code
  4. Run unit and integration tests with rspec
  5. Build the gem gem build maguro.gemspec
  6. Switch to the directory where you want to create a new project. E.g. cd ~/Desktop/projects
  7. Install the gem gem install ./maguro-0.0.1.gem
  8. Follow instructions in the section Gem Usage, i.e. maguro new [APP_NAME]

Gem Prerequisites

Before running the Bottega8 Rails templates:

  1. Install PostgreSQL for OS X
  2. Install the Heroku toolbelt
  3. Install Ruby. We recommend using the Ruby Version Manager
  4. Install Hub if you want to create an application on github.

Installing Prerequisites

  1. To install Hub: brew install hub assuming you have homebrew.

Gem Usage

  1. Switch to directory where new project will live. E.g. cd ~/Desktop/projects
  2. Install the maguro gem gem install maguro
  3. Generate the new project: maguro new $APP_NAME
  4. Open config/database.yml and replace username with the same username when setting up Postgres
  5. Run rake db:create db:migrate

What does the template do?

The Maguro project's template.rb will create a basic Rails project that is optimized for Bottega8's workflow by:

  1. Saving RVM configuration files
  2. Creating a basic README.md
  3. Setting up local git repository, gitinit file, and development branch
  4. Generating app_environment_variables.rb for custom environment variables
  5. Removing Turbolinks
  6. Including RSpec, capybara, database_cleaner, factory_girl, and other gems for testing
  7. Using PostgreSQL as the database and generating database.yml
  8. Optionally, creating Heroku applications for staging and production environments
  9. Optionally, creating a Git repository on BitBucket.org, and pushing the newly-created Rails project to it
  10. Optionally, securely storing BitBucket.org credentials in the OS X keychain for convenience
  11. Optionally, creating a Git repository on Github.com.