To make local changes to this gem, clone this repository then:
- Clone this repository
- Run
bundle install
to install development dependencies - Develop/modify the source code
- Run unit and integration tests with
- Build the gem
gem build maguro.gemspec
- Switch to the directory where you want to create a new project. E.g.
cd ~/Desktop/projects
- Install the gem
gem install ./maguro-0.0.1.gem
- Follow instructions in the section
Gem Usage
, i.e.maguro new [APP_NAME]
Before running the Bottega8 Rails templates:
- Install PostgreSQL for OS X
- Install the Heroku toolbelt
- Install Ruby. We recommend using the Ruby Version Manager
- Install Hub if you want to create an application on github.
- To install Hub:
brew install hub
assuming you have homebrew.
- Switch to directory where new project will live. E.g.
cd ~/Desktop/projects
- Install the maguro gem
gem install maguro
- Generate the new project:
maguro new $APP_NAME
- Open config/database.yml and replace
with the same username when setting up Postgres - Run
rake db:create db:migrate
The Maguro project's template.rb
will create a basic Rails project that is optimized for Bottega8's workflow by:
- Saving RVM configuration files
- Creating a basic
- Setting up local git repository, gitinit file, and development branch
- Generating app_environment_variables.rb for custom environment variables
- Removing Turbolinks
- Including RSpec, capybara, database_cleaner, factory_girl, and other gems for testing
- Using PostgreSQL as the database and generating database.yml
- Optionally, creating Heroku applications for staging and production environments
- Optionally, creating a Git repository on, and pushing the newly-created Rails project to it
- Optionally, securely storing credentials in the OS X keychain for convenience
- Optionally, creating a Git repository on