INSTALLATION: Requires: PHP >= v5.2 MySQL >= v5.0 or SQLite >= v3.0 or roll your own Copy all the files/directories to your web-shared directory in an Anubis sub- directory. Anubis uses the PDO API to connect to databases, so this feature must be enabled in your PHP setup. Consult on how to do this. Edit with the details of your database. These are the variables: $dbdatabase - name of data base to connect to. $dbusername - username to connect with. $dbpassword - password to connect with. $dbhost - host to connect to. To chose which type of database to connect to, set the following to '1' to select that database: $db_mysql. $db_sqlite. Currently MYSQL and SQLite databases are supported, but to add your own is not too difficult. Just need to edit anubis_db_connect() and add your specific database connection routines. The following URL has a good tutorial on how to do this: To change the socket timeout (in case you have a number of hosts which are off-line and scanning is taking some time), you can adjust: $socket_timeout = 3; This is the timeout in whole seconds for a connection to wait for a response before continuing. HOST DETAIL: From the main page, clicking a host name will take you to a page displaying the selected host summary, pools and devices. Individual elements will be colored green/yellow/red according to selected values set in the configuration page. Pools which are dead (no communication) will show the URL in red. Disabled pools will show in yellow. Pools which are available will show in green. Pools actively in use by the miner, that is have shares being submitted to them, will show with their pool ID in green. WRITE ACCESS: As of CGMiner version 2.3.0 (API version 1.3), CGMiner has an additional option --api-allow to allow write access to the API, that is the ability to make changes to CGMiner. To give ANUBIS write privileges, make sure to add the webhost IP address with the 'W:' prefix. i.e. --api-allow W: See the CGMiner documentation for more details. If write access is not granted, all buttons/controls for ANUBIS will be hidden. HOSTS PAGE: The hosts page (the main page), contains the a summary of all the hosts added to the database, including a sum/max/average of all the hosts for each of the parameters at the bottom of the list. HOST DETAILS: From the hosts listings page, each host name can be clicked to view the host in detail. On the hosts details page GPUs and FPGAs and be stopped and (re)started. Pools can be disabled, deleted, their priority changed, and new pools added. To save the configuration for the next re-start, enter the file path of the for that particular host's configuration file (or leave blank if you know it to be in the default location) then click 'Save Configuration'. CGminer can also be restarted or quit using the controls at the bottom of the page. To confirm these actions, you must click the associated checkbox next to the button. DEVICE DETAILS: From the hosts detail page, in the individual device listing, GPUs (and only GPUs - not CPU or PGA) ID can be clicked to access the device edit page. Here such controls as GPU clock, mem clock, GPU voltage, intensity etc., can be changed. A checkbox to the left of each control indicates if that control will be updated when the changes are applied. No check = no change. The checkbox will check itself as soon the slider is moved. Uncheck it manually if you do not want the control to be updated. On applying changes, feedback is given as to the state of the request at the bottom of the table. For GPU requests this is can be inaccurate as the GPU driver can report success when in fact the request was ignored. Feedback in these cases are what the parameters are displaying. HOST STATS: From the host details page, just under the title is a link to the host stats page. This page contains further diagnostic information about the host. At the top is the host info summary including version info, up time, attached devices, pool info, compiled (supported) devices, and operating system. Below that is the notifications table. This contains counters on faults found, when that last fault occured and what is was for each attached device. Next is the device summary. This table contains information on each of the attached devices: driver used, kernel (for GPUs), model, and device path (for FPGAs). Finally is the raw stats table. This is used for dev purposes and can mostly be ignored. ACCOUNTS: This allows you to add bitcoin addresses to groups for convienient balance look- up. Start by adding a group with a name and an exchange currency. Then add your individual accounts to the group. The page will display a summary of the amount of BTC received, sent and the current balance in BTC and the currency of your choice. Accounts can be removed from groups by selecting the account checkbox then clicking 'Delete selected'. To remove the entire group, select the checkbox in the totals row then click 'Delete selected'.