
The missing tools for managing tables and partitions in Hive

Primary LanguageJava

DevVeri Hive Tools

The missing tools for managing tables and partitions in Hive

Getting Started

DevVeri Hive Tools provides various useful tools for managing Hive tables and partitions. It will also helps for solving the following problems:

  • Small Files Problem: Many people having this issue due to frequently updated Hive tables.
  • Manually added partitions: Can provide queries for updating metadata
  • Ghost Partitions: Can provide queries for removing non-existed partitions
  • Generating DDL Scripts, including partitions, etc. for all cluster


  • Database Analyzer Tool:

This tool is for generating DDL scripts for a given database.

$ ./database-analyze.sh default
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  HiveHelper:73 - Query SHOW TABLES execution took 170 ms
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  DatabaseAnalyzer:38 - Started analyzing table: nyse
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:54 INFO  HiveHelper:94 - Query "SHOW CREATE TABLE default.nyse" execution took 15 ms
2018-09-04 16:17:54 WARN  NativeCodeLoader:62 - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Failed to read directory information: hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/hive/warehouse/nyse
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  HiveHelper:115 - Query "SHOW PARTITIONS default.nyse" execution took 58 ms
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  DatabaseAnalyzer:38 - Started analyzing table: nyse_external
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-04 16:17:55 INFO  HiveHelper:94 - Query "SHOW CREATE TABLE default.nyse_external" execution took 14 ms
Failed to read directory information: hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/nyse_external
Found 2 tables and 0 views
DDL script is saved as default.sql

real    0m1.261s
user    0m1.203s
sys     0m0.422s

You will see the DDL scripts in generated sql script:

-- Autogenerated DDL script for database default
-- Generated at 2018-09-05 10:24:44
-- Found 2 tables and 0 views
USE default;

-- Table Definitions
-- nyse_external
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `default.nyse_external`(
  `xchange` string, 
  `stock_symbol` string, 
  `stock_date` string, 
  `price_open` double, 
  `price_high` double, 
  `price_low` double, 
  `price_close` double, 
  `stock_volume` int, 
  `price_adj_close` double)

-- nyse
CREATE TABLE `default.nyse`(
  `xchange` string, 
  `stock_symbol` string, 
  `price_open` double, 
  `price_high` double, 
  `price_low` double, 
  `price_close` double, 
  `stock_volume` int, 
  `price_adj_close` double)
  `stock_date` string)
-- Partitions
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-03') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-03';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-04') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-04';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-05') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-05';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-06') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-06';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-07') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-07';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-10') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-10';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-11') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-11';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-12') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-12';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-13') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-13';
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-14') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-14';
  • Cluster Analyzer Tool:

Same like Database Analyzer but this one generates DDL scripts for all databases, tables, etc.

  • Table Health Tool:

This tool reads table metadata using Impala, checks table health and generates scripts to fix the problems. The tool checks for;

  • Number of partitions should be less than 10000 for performance reasons
  • Partition depth should be less than 3, otherwise it causes both small files problem and performance issues.
  • Small files problem, each partition must have 1 file (you can set that value with -DmaxFilesPerPartition=$VALUE)
  • Table statistics enabled or not
  • Partition with NULL or default values

The generated scripts can either run Impala or Hive. For Hive queries -DuseHive=true must be added in $JAVA_OPTS.

The following example shows how to fix small files problem. In the first run the tool shows that the table has multiple files for each partition:

$ ./table-health.sh default nyse
Analyzing table default.nyse
2018-09-05 08:00:03 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:00:03 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:00:05 INFO  ImpalaHelper:57 - Query "REFRESH default.nyse; SHOW PARTITIONS default.nyse" execution took 1860 ms
Total 1557 files found in 519 partitions
Checking partition count... [PASSED]
Checking partition depth... [PASSED]
Checking small files... [FAILED], Found 519 of 519 partitions (%100) are fragmented.
Checking table stats... [PASSED]
Checking null values... [PASSED]
Table fix queries are saved as table-fix-1536134405346.sql

real    0m2.953s
user    0m1.234s
sys     0m0.422s

A script file called table-fix-TIMESTAMP.sql is created, here is the content:

SET num_nodes=1;

-- These queries will merge small files
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-03';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-04';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-05';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-06';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-07';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-10';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-11';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-12';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-13';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-14';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE default.nyse PARTITION (stock_date) SELECT * FROM default.nyse WHERE stock_date='2000-01-18';

If you run these queries and check the table again, you will see that small files are merged:

$ ./table-health.sh default nyse
Analyzing table default.nyse
2018-09-05 09:07:28 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 09:07:28 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 09:07:29 INFO  ImpalaHelper:57 - Query "REFRESH default.nyse; SHOW PARTITIONS default.nyse" execution took 845 ms
Total 519 files found in 519 partitions
Checking partition count... [PASSED]
Checking partition depth... [PASSED]
Checking small files... [PASSED]
Checking table stats... [PASSED]
Checking null values... [PASSED]

real    0m1.685s
user    0m0.875s
sys     0m0.313s
  • Database Health Tool:

Same like Table Health tool but this checks the whole database and generate scripts.

$ ./database-health.sh default
Analyzing database default
2018-09-05 08:02:43 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:02:43 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:02:43 INFO  HiveHelper:73 - Query SHOW TABLES execution took 397 ms

Analyzing table default.nyse
2018-09-05 08:02:43 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:02:43 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:02:44 INFO  ImpalaHelper:57 - Query "REFRESH default.nyse; SHOW PARTITIONS default.nyse" execution took 807 ms
Total 1557 files found in 519 partitions
Checking partition count... [PASSED]
Checking partition depth... [PASSED]
Checking small files... [FAILED], Found 519 of 519 partitions (%100) are fragmented.
Checking table stats... [PASSED]
Checking null values... [PASSED]

Analyzing table default.nyse_external
2018-09-05 08:02:44 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:21050
2018-09-05 08:02:44 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:21050
No partition information found for the table: HY000, skipping...
Database fix queries are saved as database-fix-1536134564672.sql

real    0m1.821s
user    0m0.906s
sys     0m0.297s
  • Partition Analyzer Tool:

This tool reads table metadata and checks the existing folders on HDFS, shows any missing partition or folder after comparing these two metadata.

$ ./partition-analyzer.sh default nyse
2018-09-05 13:56:43 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:10000
2018-09-05 13:56:43 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:10000
2018-09-05 13:56:44 INFO  HiveHelper:94 - Query "SHOW CREATE TABLE default.nyse" execution took 573 ms
2018-09-05 13:56:44 WARN  NativeCodeLoader:62 - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
2018-09-05 13:56:46 INFO  Utils:295 - Supplied authorities: quickstart.cloudera:10000
2018-09-05 13:56:46 INFO  Utils:383 - Resolved authority: quickstart.cloudera:10000
2018-09-05 13:56:46 INFO  HiveHelper:115 - Query "SHOW PARTITIONS default.nyse" execution took 98 ms

-- Found 1 ghost partition(s):
ALTER TABLE nyse DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (stock_date=2000-01-03);

-- Found 1 ghost folder(s):
ALTER TABLE nyse ADD PARTITION (stock_date='2000-01-01') LOCATION 'stock_date=2000-01-01';