
My very personal configuration files for vim, tmux, zsh etc.

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Personal Configuration Files

VIM Configuration

Now i am using Vundle to manage my VIM plugins.

Based on instructions here.

My first and most useful suggestion is this: BUILD YOUR OWN SET OF VIM CONFIGURATION!! I strongly recommend this article to start with a minimum set of configuration options. Than build your editing environment incrementally due to your very personal taste of preferences.

Installation steps for who loves risky stuff.

IMPORTANT NOTE: now my setup heavily uses Unite plugin for various type of listings. Current MacVim does have a problem with garbage collecting causes freezing of vim after selection from any unite buffer. This problem is fixed with regular Vim source code. So i strongly recommend using latest official Vim distribution until MacVim includes the patch about this bug.

  • clone the repo.
  • execute git submodule update --init --recursive
  • make a symbolic link of REPO_PATH/vim/vimfiles to ~/.vim
  • make a symbolic link of REPO_PATH/vim/vimrc to ~/.vimrc
  • create a directory for persistent undo history mkdir ~/.vimtmp
  • install necessary external programs. as i remember:
    • flake8 for syntax checks. pip install flake8 used by sytastic plugin.
    • ctags for tagbar and ctrlp plugin. You can use your OS package manager to
    • install ag aka the silver searcher install
  • execute vim +PluginInstall +qall
  • cd into ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe then ./install.sh
  • if you develop golang then you must install related tools for this plugin manually.

Yeah these should be enough to use my VIM configuration on your system. If these are not sufficient, please warn me.

Most notable commands, shortcuts etc. (mode indicator inside parantheses)

  • leader key is space
  • F3 key to toggle vim Paste mode
  • <leader>n for removing highlights (:noh)
  • <leader>W to remove trailing whitespace from whole buffer
  • <leader>v to select just pasted text
  • jj to <ESC>
  • <C-s> toggle NerdTree
  • <leader>t toggle Tagbar
  • F5 key toggle background color
  • <leader>V activate specified python virtualenv
  • <leader>f activate Unite source for files (recursive)
  • <leader>g activate Unite git source
  • <leader>b activate Unite buffer list with quick selection
  • <leader>B activate Unite buffer list
  • <leader>y activate Unite buffer outline
  • <leader>e activate Unite recent files
  • <leader>h activate Unite history/yank list
  • <leader>l activate Unite lines of current file
  • <leader>/ activate Unite grep
  • <leader>H activate Unite for vim help content
  • <leader>j activate Unite for junkfile plugin plugin
  • <leader>G toggle Gundo plugin
  • <leader>o executes :only command. Makes active buffer full screen
  • <leader>w bound to :w command. Saved the buffer
  • <leader>, switch to last edited buffer
  • <C-u> convert the word uppercase (both NORMAL and INSERT)
  • <leader>s triggers Dash search based on active buffer's filetype
  • <leader>S triggers global Dash search
  • <leader>d tries to go to definition of identifier under cursor. Works with python and Go files out of the box.
  • K show godoc of the identifier under cursor for go source files
  • <C-j> expand snippet (INSERT)
  • <C-b> jump next edit point within the snippet (INSERT)
  • <C-z> jump previous edit point within the snippet (INSERT)
  • <C-space> trigger YouCompleteMe plugin. (INSERT)
  • <C-n> to invoke multiple cursors plugin info

TMUX Configuration

Very basic conf.

  • For Mac OS X --> brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
  • For Ubuntu/Linux --> sudo aptitude install xsel
  • Symbolic link tmux/tmux.conf or tmux/tmux.ubuntu.conf to ~/.tmux.conf based on your platform choice.
  • Check and modify shell command based preference. Default is fish for now.

ZSH Configuration

Based on oh-my-zsh.

  • Install zsh brew install zsh or sudo aptitude install zsh based on your platform.
  • Install Oh My Zsh!.
  • Rename ~/.zshrc to ~/.zshrc_backup
  • Symbolic link zsh/zshrc to ~/.zshrc
  • Default theme is my own customization to norm theme. If you want to use it, you must make a symbolic link zsh/oh-my-zsh/themes/normz.zsh-theme to ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes directory.

FISH Configuration

Based on oh-my-fish

  • I am experimenting with pyenv. so brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
  • Install fish shell brew install fish or sudo aptitude install fish based on your platform.
  • Install Oh My Fish.
  • Create a symbolic link fish/config.fish to ~/.config/fish/config.fish
  • Create a symbolic link fish/oh-my-fish/custom to ~/.oh-my-fish/custom
  • Check and modify your TMUX conf to use fish.