
The TERMinal edITor - embeddable CLI editor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Termit - The TERMinal edITor

npm i termit -g

Termit is a simple terminal editor somewhat inspired by Nano. It delivers the most basic text editing features like writing (obviously), cutting lines and uncutting or pasting lines.

Navigation includes arrow keys, page up and down, home and end on each line as well as start of document and end of document.

Running it from the terminal allows you to pass in a filepath argument which it will try to open. If it does not exist, it will try to create it on first save.

You can Save, Save As, Open, Save & Exit and Exit using keyboard shortcuts.


Key Action
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+A Save As
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+X Save & Exit
Ctrl+C Exit


The biggest feature of Termit is it's ability to be embedded inside your own terminal application.

// Include
const Termit = require("termit");


 * Setup with optional options
 * - disableOpen disables the ability
 *   for the user to open other files
 * - disableSaveAs disables the ability
 *   to save the content as another file
 * These options are typically used for
 * embedded editors locked to a specific
 * file, similar to how visudo and jotr
 * works.
let options = {
    disableOpen: true,
    disableSaveAs: true
let term = new Termit(options);


// Renders the terminal with no files loaded

// Renders the terminal with the optional
// file pre-loaded.
let file = 'path/to/file';


// Add pre-save hooks. Useful for doing tasks
// before save. It uses the express-convention
// of using 'next()' to continue the chain.
term.addPreSaveHook( (next) => {

// Or in an embedded state extracting the content.
const mySuperCallback = text => console.log(text);
term.addPreSaveHook( (next) => {
    // This callback is now called each time the
    // user saves, sending the content of the
    // terminal to the embedding application.

// If you don't want Termit to save to a file, only
// call the callback, just skip calling 'next'.
// If you have more than one callback, skip it
// in the final one you want called
term.addPreSaveHook( () => { // <-- No need for 'next'

// Sometimes you want the terminal to quit after save
// Using 'next' after unload is discouraged, but may
// function as you expect.
term.addPreSaveHook( () => {