Zephyr Hardware Results Dashboard

First you will need to install both grafana and influxdb and verify that you can connect to databases created in influxdb from grafana.

In influxdb create a database that will host the test results and call it zephyr_test_results. This can be done using the command line tools for influxdb.

nashif@master:~$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.4
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.4
> CREATE DATABASE zephyr_test_result

In grafana, create a new data source and add the above database you have just created.

In grafana, import the dashboards available in grafana-provisioning/dashboards/ directory.

  • overall.json
  • test_results.json

Clone both repos:

into your workspace.

Change the configuration in the script import.sh and make sure the following variables reflect what you have created above:


Install junit2influx using pip:

pip3 install junit2influx

There are 2 ways the import script can be called:

  • Bulk import: This will import all results (v2.5.0 results) in one call. For this, call the script without any arguments
  • Single Run: Specify the commit you want to import as the first argument to import.sh
  • Commit import: Only import new files that are part of a single commit. The first argument should be a commit hash in the test_results repo

Using Docker Compose

To start the app:

  1. Install docker-compose on the docker host.
  2. Optionally, change default credentials or Grafana provisioning.
  3. Run the following command from the root of the cloned repo:
docker-compose up -d

To stop the app:

  1. Run the following command from the root of the cloned repo:
docker-compose down

Grafana will be accessible on the localhost on port 3000.

Import the data using the import.sh script.