
Primary LanguageLuaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

و به ماستاره بدین star تو بالای همین صفحه بزنید رو


برای نصب سورس کد زیر را در ترمینال وارد کنید

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y --force-yes; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y --force-yes; sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev lua-socket lua-sec lua-expat libevent-dev libjansson* libpython-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ autoconf -y --force-yes && git clone https://github.com/Mohammadrezar/td.git && cd td && chmod +x launch.sh && ./launch.sh install && ./launch.sh

دقت کنید که کل کد رو وارد کنید

سپس شماره خود را با پیش شماره وارد کنید

+مثلا : 989111111111

سپس خود و خود ربات رو تو سرور سودو کنید

به سرور کانکت بشین و برین تو پوشه دیتا و فایل کانفیگ و ایدی عددی خود رو بزارید تو فایل کانفیگ

  sudo_users = {

برای اموزش دقیق تر کلیک کن

کسایی که سرورشون پولیه قسمت 1

و کسایی که سرورشون رایگانه(مثل سی 9)قسمت 2 رو انجام بدن

لطفا طبق نوع سرور خود پیش برید


برای نصب اتولانچ اگه رباتتون رو یوزر اصلی یا روته قسمت (الف) و اگه رو یوزری بجز روته قسمت (ب) رو انجام بدین

الف)این کدهارو توی ترمینال بترتیب بزنید《

cd td

sed -i "s/root/$(whoami)/g" etc/pika.conf

sed -i "s_telegrambotpath_$(pwd)_g" etc/pika.conf

sudo cp etc/pika.conf /etc/init/

chmod 777 pika

nohup ./pika &>/dev/null &

sudo start pika

screen ./pika

etc ب)وارد سرور بشید،برین تو پوشه《

pika.confروی فایل

کلیک کنید خب حالا باید ادیتش کنید

خط یکی مونده به اخر ینی این خط

setuid root

بجای روت اسم یوزر خودتونو بنویسید ینی اینجوری

setuid emsuserton

خب حالا سیو کنیدو برین به ترمینال و این دستوراتو بزنین

cd td

sed -i "s/username/$(whoami)/g" etc/pika.conf

تو اینجا بجای 
اسم یوزر خودتون رو قرار بدین و تو ترمینال بزنین سپس

sed -i "s_telegrambotpath_$(pwd)_g" etc/pika.conf

sudo cp etc/pika.conf /etc/init/

chmod 777 pika

nohup ./pika &>/dev/null &

sudo start pika

screen ./pika

خب تموم شد و ربات شما با این سورس ران شد

اگه رباتتون اف شد برین تو ترمینال و این دستوراتو بزنین

cd td
killall screen
killall telegram-cli
sudo killall
screen ./pika


تو ترمینال این دستورات رو وارد کنید

cd td

screen ./launch.sh

و اگه ربات اف شد

cd td

killall screen

screen ./launch.sh

اگه در هر صورت در نصب اتولانچ با روش 1 به مشکل خوردین راه دوم رو برین

Mohammad سوالی یا مشکلی بود در خدمتم

توضیحات بیشتر در کانال ما

برای ورود به کانال کلیک کن

برای دریافت راهنما برای سودو ها دستور زیر را وارد کنید

راهنمای سودو!



و راهنما های دیگه



TeleDiamond has several commands that are only usable at certain ranks.

General Commands

Command Description
[#!/]id Returns group/SuperGroup ID or user id in pm.
[#!/]telediamond Returns bot information.

Private Message Commands

Command Description
[#!/]help Returns help text.
[#!/]superhelp Returns SuperGroup help text.
[#!/]chats Returns public chats in a message(s).
[#!/]chatlist Returns public chats in a .txt document.
[#!/]join [GroupID] Join a public chat by id

Moderator commands

Command Description Groups? SuperGroups?
[#!/]info Returns general info about the SuperGroup. N Y
[#!/]admins Returns SuperGroup admins list. N Y
[#!/]modlist Returns Moderator list. Y Y
[#!/]owner Returns group/SuperGroup owner. Can be used by any user Y Y
[#!/]bots Lists bots in SuperGroup. N Y
[#!/]who Lists all users in group *SuperGroup returns .txt document list. Y Y
[#!/]wholist Lists all users in group in .txt document. Y N
[#!/]block Kicks a user from SuperGroup Adds user to blocked list. N Y
[#!/]kick kicks user from group. Y N
[#!/]ban Bans user from the group/SuperGroup. Y Y
[#!/]unban Unbans user from group/SuperGroup. Y Y
[#!/]id [username|reply] For userID's: !id @username (ONLY IN SuperSroups) or reply !id in any group. Y Y
[#!/]id from Returns ID of user a message is forwarded from. N Y
[#!/]kickme Kicks user from SuperGroup / In SuperGroup: Must be unblocked by owner or use #join by pm to return Y Y
[#!/]setowner Sets group/SuperGroup owner. Y Y
[#!/]promote Promote a group/SuperGroup moderator. Y Y
[#!/]demote Demote a group/SuperGroup moderator. Y Y
[#!/]setname Set group/SuperGroup name. Y Y
[#!/]setphoto Set group/SuperGroup photo. Y Y
[#!/]setrules Set group/SuperGroup rules. Y Y
[#!/]setabout Sets the about section in chat info(members list) N Y
[#!/]set about Y N
[#!/]save [value] Sets extra info for group/SuperGroup by value. Y Y
[#!/]get [value] Returns extra info for group/SuperGroup by value. Y Y
[#!/]newlink Generate a new group/SuperGroup link. Y Y
[#!/]setlink Set a new SuperGroup link If bot is not creator. N Y
[#!/]link Retrieves the group/SuperGroup link. Y Y
[#!/]rules Retrieves the group/SuperGroup rules. Y Y
[#!/]lock setting Lock group/SuperGroup settings. Y Y
[#!/]unlock setting Unlock group/SuperGroup. Y Y
[#!/]mute [mute]#mutes-mutes) mute group message types. Y Y
[#!/]unmute mute unmute group message types. Y Y
[#!/]setflood value Set [value] as flood sensitivity. Y Y
[#!/]muteuser [username|id|reply] Mute and unmute a user in chat. If a muted user posts a message, the message is deleted automaically only owners can mute | mods and owners can unmute Y Y
[#!/]mutelist Returns list of muted users in group/SuperGroup. Y Y
[#!/]muteslist Returns mutes for group/SuperGroup. Y Y
[#!/]settings Returns a list of group/SuperGroup settings. Y Y
[#!/]stats Returns simple message statistics in a .txt document. Y Y
[#!/]statslist Returns simple message statistics in a message. Y Y
[#!/]banlist Returns group/SuperGroup banlist. Y Y
[#!/]clean [rules|about|modlisthtml>|bots|mutelist] Clears rules, about, modlist, bots, or mutelist Y Y
[#!/]del Deletes a message by reply. N Y
[#!/]res [username] Returns users name and id by username. Y Y
[#!/]log Returns group logs.In SuperGroups: Search for kick reasons using [#RTL|#spam|#lockmember] Y Y

Owner commands

Command Description groups/SuperGroups? In private?
[#!/]muteuser [username|id|reply] Mute and unmute a user in chat.If a muted user posts a message, the message is deleted automaically / only owners can mute / mods and owners can unmute N
[#!/]all Returns all available information about current group. Y N
[#!/]all [GroupID] Returns all available information about group by GroupID. Y N
[#!/]owners [GroupID] [kick|ban|unban] [UserID] Kick, ban, or unban a user from a group by GroupID and UserID. N Y
[#!/]owners [GroupID] clean [modlist|rules|about] Clear options by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]owners [GroupID] setflood [value] Set flood for a group by GroupID and a value [1-5]. N Y
[#!/]owners [GroupID] lock [setting] Lock settings for a group by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]owner [GroupID] unlock [setting] Unlock settings for a group by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]owners [GroupID] new link Create a new group link by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]owners [GroupID] get link Returns group link by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]changename [GroupID] [name] Change a group's name by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]changrules [GroupID] [rules] Change a group's rules by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]changeabout [GroupID] [about] Change a group's about by GroupID. N Y
[#!/]loggroup [GroupID] get group logs by GroupID. N Y

Admin commands

Command Description Groups? SuperGroups? Realms?
[#!/]creategroup [Name] Create a group and add it to moderation.json. Y Y Y
[#!/]createrealm [Name] Create a realm and remove it from moderation.json. Y Y Y
[#!/]add Add a group to moderation.json. Y Y Y
[#!/]rem Remove a group from moderation.json. Y Y Y
[#!/]rem [GroupID] Remove a group from moderation by GroupID. Y Y Y
[#!/]setname [Name] Set realm name. N -- Y
[#!/]setabout [group|sgroup] [GroupID] [Text] Set a group's about text. Y Y Y
[#!/]setrules [group|sgroup] [GroupID] [Text] Set a group's rules. Y Y Y
[#!/]lock [GroupID] [setting] Lock a group's setting. Y Y Y
[#!/]lock [GroupID] [setting] Lock a group's setting. Y Y Y
[#!/]unlock [GroupID] [setting] Unlock a group's setting. Y Y Y
[#!/]who Get a list of members in group/realm. Y Y Y
[#!/]wholist Get a .txt document list of members in group/realm. Y Y Y
[#!/]type Get group type. Y Y Y
[#!/]addlog Add a Log_SuperGroup for GBan log. N Y N
[#!/]remlog Remove a Log_SuperGroup for GBan log. N Y N
[#!/]kill chat [GroupID] Kick all users and remove a group from moderation. Y Y Y
[#!/]kill realm [RealmID] Kick all users and remove a realm from moderation. Y Y Y
[#!/]banall [id|usename] Ban a user from all moderated groups where bot is an admin (#global_ban) Y Y Y
[#!/]unbanall [id|usename] Unban a user from all moderated groups where bot is an admin (#global_ban) Y Y Y
[#!/]gbanlist [id|usename] Returns a list of all globally banned user Y Y Y
[#!/]list groups Returns a list of all groups. Y Y Y
[#!/]list realms Returns a list of all realms. Y Y Y
[#!/]whitelist User/Bot will not be subject to message checks. Y Y Y
[#!/]support Promote user to support. Y Y Y
[#!/]-support deomote user from support. Y Y Y
[#!/]pm [UserID] Sends a private message to a user by UserID. Y Y Y
[#!/]import Bot joins a group by GroupLink. Y Y Y
[#!/]pmblock [UserID] Block a user from bot private message and bot photo. Y Y Y
[#!/]pmunblock [UserID] Unblock a user from bot private message and bot photo. Y Y Y
[#!/]markread [on|off] Toggle bot to doubble check or not doubble check messages. Y Y Y
[#!/]setbotphoto Set bot photo. Y Y Y
[#!/]contactlist Bot will generate a list of all it's contacts***and send it by private message of command sender Y Y Y
[#!/]dialoglist Bot will generate a list of all it's private message users***and send it by private message of command sender Y Y Y
[#!/]delcontact Delete bot contact. Y Y Y
[#!/]reload Reloads all bot plugins Y Y Y
[#!/]updateid Adds long_id to moderation data for groups. Y Y Y
[#!/]!bc [GroupID] [text] This command will send text to [GroupID] Y Y Y
[#!/]leave Bot will leave that group and can only be re-invited by an admin with bot phone number Y Y Y
[#!/]mp (Mod Promote) Set user as a mod of supergroup. TESTING N Y N
[#!/]md (Mod demote) Removes user from mod of supergroup. TESTING N Y N

Sudo Commands

Command Groups? SuperGroups? Realms?
[#!/]addadmin [id|username] Set a user as bot admin. Y Y
[#!/]removeadmin [id|username] Remove a user from bot admin. Y Y
[#!/]sync_gbans Sync your GBans with official @TeleSeed Y Y


Command Groups? SuperGroups?
[#!/](un)lock links Y Y
[#!/](un)lock flood Y Y
[#!/]setflood [5-20] Y Y
[#!/](un)lock bots Y N
[#!/](un)lock spam Y Y
[#!/](un)lock arabic Y Y
[#!/](un)lock member Y Y
[#!/](un)lock leave Y N
[#!/](un)lock RTL Y Y
[#!/](un)lock tgservice N Y
[#!/](un)lock sticker Y Y
[#!/]public [yes|no] Y Y
[#!/](un)lock strict N Y

/lock [setting] and /unlock [setting]: sets allowed actions and content for groups/SuperGroups /lock strict in a supergroup, if strict is locked users will be kicked for violations of settings or mutes

/public [yes|no]: Set group/SuperGroup visibility in pm !chats or !chatlist commands.


[#!/]mute audio
[#!/]mute video
[#!/]mute photo
[#!/]mute documents
[#!/]mute gifs
[#!/]mute text
[#!/]mute all

Groups: If "muted" message type: user is kicked if message type is posted

**SuperGroups: A "muted" message type is auto-deleted if posted **


Rank Description
Banned Cannot enter the group(s).
User Default rank.
Moderator Can set settings and kick/ban/unban users from a group. Can unmute users.
Owner Can mute users. Can promote/demote moderators. Can set SuperGroup admins.
Support Can globally unban users. Acts as owner of all groups.
Administrator Can globally ban/unban users. Can promote/demote owners.
Sudo Can add[#!/]remove groups. Can broadcast. Can promote/demote administrators.

Each higher status inherits the privileges of the lower status.

**You can use "#", "!", or "/" to begin all commands


# Install dependencies.
# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04. For other OSs, check out https://github.com/yagop/telegram-bot/wiki/Installation
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev lua-socket lua-sec lua-expat libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server autoconf g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev

# Let's install the bot.
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/Mohammadrezar/td.git
cd td
chmod +x launch.sh
./launch.sh install
./launch.sh # Enter a phone number & confirmation code.

One command

To install everything in one command (useful for VPS deployment) on Debian-based distros, use:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y --force-yes; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y --force-yes; sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev lua-socket lua-sec lua-expat libevent-dev libjansson* libpython-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ autoconf -y --force-yes && git clone https://github.com/Mohammadrezar/td.git && cd td && chmod +x launch.sh && ./launch.sh install && ./launch.sh