A .NET library intended to add core functionality and make advanced topics as clean and simple as possible: data structures, algorithms, mathematics, metadata, extensions, console, and more. :)
"It's a tough galaxy. If you want to survive, you've gotta know... where your towel is." - Ford Prefect
Note This project has a goal of keeping as up-to-date on modern coding practices rather than maintaining backwards compatibility.
📄 Run The Included Examples (Click To Expand)
Towel has Examples included in this repository.
Download this repository and unzip the contents.
There are no custom build processes. Towel should build with any standard .NET build process, but one of the following is recommended:
Install Visual Studio 2019 if not already installed.
Open the 📄
file in Visual Studio.Note This is optional, but here are some recommended settings you change in Visual Studio.
Install the .NET Core SDK if not already installed.
Install Visual Studio Code if not already installed.
Open the 📁
root folder
of the repository in Visual Studio Code.Note The following files are included in the repository:
recommends Vistual Studio Code extension dependencies.vscode/launch.json
includes the configurations for debugging the examples.vscode/settings.json
automatically applies settings to the workspace.vscode/tasks.json
includes the commands to build the projectsNote Visual Studio Code Extensions (will be prompted to install these when you open the folder):
- ms-vscode.csharp C# support
- aisoftware.tt-processor (optional) T4 Template support
- zbecknell.t4-support (optional) T4 Template syntax highlighting
- formulahendry.dotnet-test-explorer (optional) MSTest unit testing support
📄 Use Towel In Your .NET Projects (Click To Expand)
Your project must target the same or newer version of .NET as Towel. See this documentation on how to check the current target of your project. Towel targets the following version of .NET:
You can install the Towel nuget package with the
dotnet add package Towel --version XXXXX
command, or you can manually add a reference to it in your.csproj
files<PackageReference Include="Towel" Version="XXXXX" />
is the version to install).See the releases page for change logs.
📄 View Documentation (Click To Expand)
Towel has an API documentation reference that is generated with docfx. You can view the documentation here:
Here is Towel's benchmarking documentation:
https://zacharypatten.github.io/Towel/articles/benchmarks.htmlHere are some other documentation references:
📄 Get Involved (Click To Expand)
The easiest way to support Towel is to star the github repository.
If you notice anything in Towel that may be improved, please create a new issue.
You can chat with the developer(s) on discord:
Share your work. If you use Towel in one of your projects we want to hear about it.
If you want to contribute to Towel:
- Fork this repository
- Make some changes
- Open a pull request
📄 Repository Structure (Click To Expand)
Here is a map of this repository's file structure:
- 📁
content regarding the GitHub repoistory.
- 📁
templates for issue submissions to the GitHub repository- 📁
resources such as image files- 📁
GitHub Actions workflows
- 📄
Towel Continuous Integration.yml
workflow for checking that code compiles and unit tests pass- 📄
Towel Deployment.yml
workflow to manage releases and deploy nuget packages- 📄
Towel Docfx.yml
workflow that runs docfx to generate the GitHub pages in thegh-pages
template for when pull requests are created- 📁
confirguration files for if the code is opened in Visual Studio Code- 📁
root folder for all the example projects- 📁
root folder for the source code of released nuget packages
- 📁
the root folder for all source code in the Towel nuget package- 📁
root folder for all support projects
- 📁
root folder for docfx project (used in theTowel Docfx.yml
workflow)- 📁
project with all the benchmarking for the Towel project- 📁
not currently used; custom documentation generation for the Towel Project- 📁
not currently used; custom source code generation for the Towel Project- 📁
project with all unit tests for the Towel project (runs in theTowel Continuous Integration.yml
📄 How It Works (Click To Expand)
public static T Addition<T>(T a, T b) { return AdditionImplementation<T>.Function(a, b); } internal static class AdditionImplementation<T> { internal static Func<T, T, T> Function = (T a, T b) => { ParameterExpression A = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T)); ParameterExpression B = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T)); Expression BODY = Expression.Add(A, B); Function = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, T>>(BODY, A, B).Compile(); return Function(a, b); }; }You can break type safe-ness using generic types and runtime compilation, and you can store the runtime compilation in a delegate so the only overhead is the invocation of the delegate.
// Logic Fundamentals
bool Equate<T>(T a , T b);
bool LessThan<T>(T a, T b);
bool GreaterThan<T>(T a, T b);
CompareResult Compare<T>(T a, T b);
// Mathematics Fundamentals
T Negation<T>(T a);
T Addition<T>(T a, T b);
T Subtraction<T>(T a, T b);
T Multiplication<T>(T a, T b);
T Division<T>(T a, T b);
T Remainder<T>(T a, T b);
// More Logic
bool IsPrime<T>(T a);
bool IsEven<T>(T a);
bool IsOdd<T>(T a);
T Minimum<T>(T a, T b);
T Maximum<T>(T a, T b);
T Clamp<T>(T value, T floor, T ceiling);
T AbsoluteValue<T>(T a);
bool EqualityLeniency<T>(T a, T b, T leniency);
// More Numerics
void FactorPrimes<T>(T a, ...);
T Factorial<T>(T a);
T LinearInterpolation<T>(T x, T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1);
T LeastCommonMultiple<T>(T a, T b, params T[] c);
T GreatestCommonFactor<T>(T a, T b, params T[] c);
LinearRegression2D<T>(..., out T slope, out T y_intercept);
// Statistics
T Mean<T>(T a, params T[] b);
T Median<T>(params T[] values);
Heap<Link<T, int>> Mode<T>(T a, params T[] b);
void Range<T>(out T minimum, out T maximum, ...);
T[] Quantiles<T>(int quantiles, ...);
T GeometricMean<T>(...);
T Variance<T>(...);
T StandardDeviation<T>(...);
T MeanDeviation<T>(...);
// Vectors
Vector<T> V1 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector);
Vector<T> V2 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector);
Vector<T> V3;
T scalar;
V3 = -V1; // Negate
V3 = V1 + V2; // Add
V3 = V1 - V2; // Subtract
V3 = V1 * scalar; // Multiply
V3 = V1 / scalar; // Divide
scalar = V1.DotProduct(V2); // Dot Product
V3 = V1.CrossProduct(V2); // Cross Product
V1.Magnitude; // Magnitude
V3 = V1.Normalize(); // Normalize
bool equal = V1 == V2; // Equal
// Matrices
Matrix<T> M1 = new Matrix<T>(int rows, int columns);
Matrix<T> M2 = new Matrix<T>(int rows, int columns);
Matrix<T> M3;
Vector<T> V2 = new Vector<T>(params T[] vector);
Vector<T> V3;
T scalar;
M3 = -M1; // Negate
M3 = M1 + M2; // Add
M3 = M1 - M2; // Subtract
M3 = M1 * M2; // Multiply
V3 = M1 * V2; // Multiply (vector)
M3 = M1 * scalar; // Multiply (scalar)
M3 = M1 / scalar; // Divide
M3 = M1 ^ 3; // Power
scalar = M1.Determinent(); // Determinent
M3 = M1.Minor(int row, int column); // Minor
M3 = M1.Echelon(); // Echelon Form (REF)
M3 = M1.ReducedEchelon(); // Reduced Echelon Form (RREF)
M3 = M1.Inverse(); // Inverse
M1.DecomposeLowerUpper(ref M2, ref M3); // Lower Upper Decomposition
bool equal = M1 == M2; // Equal
// Parsing From Linq Expression
Expression<Func<double, double>> exp1 = (x) => 2 * (x / 7);
Symbolics.Expression symExp1 = Symbolics.Parse(exp1);
// Parsing From String
Symbolics.Expression symExp2 = Symbolics.Parse("2 * ([x] / 7)");
// Mathematical Simplification
Symbolics.Expression simplified = symExp1.Simplify();
// Variable Substitution
symExp1.Substitute("x", 5);
📄 Supported Measurements (Click To Expand)
Here are the currently supported measurement types:
// Acceleration: Length/Time/Time // AngularAcceleration: Angle/Time/Time // Angle: Angle // AngularSpeed: Angle/Time // Area: Length*Length // AreaDensity: Mass/Length/Length // Density: Mass/Length/Length/Length // ElectricCharge: ElectricCharge // ElectricCurrent: ElectricCharge/Time // Energy: Mass*Length*Length/Time/Time // Force: Mass*Length/Time/Time // Length: Length // LinearDensity: Mass/Length // LinearMass: Mass*Length // LinearMassFlow: Mass*Length/Time // Mass: Mass // MassRate: Mass/Time // Power: Mass*Length*Length/Time/Time/Time // Pressure: Mass/Length/Time/Time // Speed: Length/Time // Tempurature: Tempurature // Time: Time // TimeArea: Time*Time // Volume: Length*Length*Length // VolumeRate: Length*Length*Length/TimeThe measurement types are generated in the Towel/Measurements/MeasurementTypes.tt T4 text template file. The unit (enum) definitions are in the Towel/Measurements/MeasurementUnitDefinitions.cs file. Both measurment types and unit definitions can be easily added. If you think a measurement type or unit type should be added, please submit an enhancement issue.
// Towel has measurement types to help write scientific code: Acceleration<T>, Angle<T>, Area<T>,
// Density<T>, Length<T>, Mass<T>, Speed<T>, Time<T>, Volume<T>, etc.
// Automatic Unit Conversion
// When you perform mathematical operations on measurements, any necessary unit conversions will
// be automatically performed by the relative measurement type (in this case "Angle<T>").
Angle<double> angle1 = (90d, Degrees);
Angle<double> angle2 = (.5d, Turns);
Angle<double> result1 = angle1 + angle2; // 270°
// Type Safeness
// The type safe-ness of the measurement types prevents the miss-use of the measurements. You cannot
// add "Length<T>" to "Angle<T>" because that is mathematically invalid (no operator exists).
Length<double> length1 = (2d, Yards);
object result2 = angle1 + length1; // WILL NOT COMPILE!!!
// Simplify The Syntax Even Further
// You can use alias to remove the generic type if you want to simplify the syntax even further.
using Speedf = Towel.Measurements.Speed<float>; // at top of file
Speedf speed1 = (5, Meters / Seconds);
// Vector + Measurements
// You can use the measurement types inside Towel Vectors.
Vector<Speed<float>> velocity1 = new Vector<Speed<float>>(
(1f, Meters / Seconds),
(2f, Meters / Seconds),
(3f, Meters / Seconds));
Vector<Speedf> velocity2 = new Vector<Speedf>(
(1f, Centimeters / Seconds),
(2f, Centimeters / Seconds),
(3f, Centimeters / Seconds));
Vector<Speed<float>> velocity3 = velocity1 + velocity2;
// Manual Unit Conversions
// 1. Index Operator On Measurement Type
double angle1_inRadians = angle1[Radians];
float speed1_inMilesPerHour = speed1[Miles / Hours];
// 2. Static Conversion Methods
double angle3 = Angle<double>.Convert(7d,
Radians, // from
Degrees); // to
double speed2 = Speed<double>.Convert(8d,
Meters / Seconds, // from
Miles / Hours); // to
double force1 = Force<double>.Convert(9d,
Kilograms * Meters / Seconds / Seconds, // from
Grams * Miles / Hours / Hours); // to
double angle4 = Measurement.Convert(10d,
Radians, // from
Degrees); // to
// Note: The unit conversion on the Measurement class
// is still compile-time-safe.
// Measurement Parsing
Speed<float>.TryParse("20.5 Meters / Seconds",
out Speed<float> parsedSpeed);
Force<decimal>.TryParse(".1234 Kilograms * Meters / Seconds / Seconds",
out Force<decimal> parsedForce);
📄 Heap (Click To Expand)
// A heap is a binary tree that is sorted vertically using comparison methods. This is different // from AVL Trees or Red-Black Trees that keep their contents stored horizontally. The rule // of a heap is that no parent can be less than either of its children. A Heap using "sifting up" // and "sifting down" algorithms to move values vertically through the tree to keep items sorted. IHeap<T> heapArray = new HeapArray<T>(); // Visualization: // // Binary Tree // // -7 // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // -4 1 // / \ / \ // / \ / \ // / \ / \ // -1 3 6 4 // / \ / \ / \ / \ // 30 10 17 51 45 22 19 7 // // Flattened into an Array // // Root = 1 // Left Child = 2 * Index // Right Child = 2* Index + 1 // __________________________________________________________________________ // |0 |-7 |-4 |1 |-1 |3 |6 |4 |30 |10 |17 |51 |45 |22 |19 |7 |0 |0 |0 ... // ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
📄 AVL Tree (Click To Expand)
// An AVL tree is a binary tree that is sorted using comparison methods and automatically balances // itself by tracking the heights of nodes and performing one of four specific algorithms: rotate // right, rotate left, double rotate right, or double rotate left. Any parent in an AVL Tree must // be greater than its left child but less than its right child (if the children exist). An AVL // tree is sorted in the same manor as a Red-Black Tree, but uses different algorithms to maintain // the balance of the tree. IAvlTree<int> avlTree = new AvlTreeLinked<int>(); // Visualization: // // Binary Tree // // Depth 0 ------------------> 7 // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // Depth 1 ---------> 1 22 // / \ / \ // / \ / \ // / \ / \ // Depth 2 ----> -4 4 17 45 // / \ / \ / \ / \ // Depth 3 ---> -7 -1 3 6 10 19 30 51 // // Flattened into an Array // // Root = 1 // Left Child = 2 * Index // Right Child = 2* Index + 1 // __________________________________________________________________________ // |0 |7 |1 |22 |-4 |4 |17 |45 |-7 |-1 |3 |6 |10 |19 |30 |51 |0 |0 |0 ... // ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
📄 Red Black Tree (Click To Expand)
// A Red-Black treeis a binary tree that is sorted using comparison methods and automatically // balances itself. Any parent in an Red-Black Tree must be greater than its left child but less // than its right child (if the children exist). A Red-Black tree is sorted in the same manor as // an AVL Tree, but uses different algorithms to maintain the balance of the tree. IRedBlackTree<int> redBlackTree = new RedBlackTreeLinked<int>(); // Visualization: // // Binary Tree // // Color Black ----------------> 7 // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // / \ // Color Red ---------> 1 22 // / \ / \ // / \ / \ // / \ / \ // Color Black ---> -4 4 17 45 // / \ / \ / \ / \ // Color Red ---> -7 -1 3 6 10 19 30 51 // // Flattened into an Array // // Root = 1 // Left Child = 2 * Index // Right Child = 2* Index + 1 // __________________________________________________________________________ // |0 |7 |1 |22 |-4 |4 |17 |45 |-7 |-1 |3 |6 |10 |19 |30 |51 |0 |0 |0 ... // ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
📄 Omnitree (Click To Expand)
// An Omnitree is a Spacial Partitioning Tree (SPT) that works on an arbitrary number of dimensions. // It stores items sorted along multiple dimensions by dividing spaces into sub-spaces. A 3D // version of an SPT is often called an "Octree" and a 2D version of an SPT is often called a // "Quadtree." There are two versions of the Omnitree: Points and Bounds. The Points version stores // vectors while the Bounds version stores spaces with a minimum and maximum vector. IOmnitreePoints<T, A1, A2, A3...> omnitreePoints = new OmnitreePointsLinked<T, A1, A2, A3...>( (T value, out A1 a1, out A2 a2, out A3 a3...) => { ... }); IOmnitreeBounds<T, A1, A2, A3...> omnitreeBounds = new OmnitreeBoundsLinked<T, A1, A2, A3...>( (T value, out A1 min1, out A1 max1, out A2 min2, out A2 max2, out A3 min3, out A3 max3...) => { ... }); // The maximum number of children any node can have is 2 ^ N where N is the number // of dimensions of the tree. // // ------------------------------- // | Dimensions | Max # Children | // |============|================| // | 1 | 2 ^ 1 = 2 | // | 2 | 2 ^ 2 = 4 | // | 3 | 2 ^ 3 = 8 | // | 4 | 2 ^ 4 = 16 | // | ... | ... | // ------------------------------- // // Visualizations // // 1 Dimensional: // // -1D |-----------|-----------| +1D Children Indexes: // -1D: 0 // <--- 0 ---> <--- 1 ---> +1D: 1 // // 2 Dimensional: // _____________________ // | | | +2D // | | | ^ // | 2 | 3 | | Children Indexes: // | | | | -2D -1D: 0 // |----------|----------| | -2D +1D: 1 // | | | | +2D -1D: 2 // | | | | +2D +1D: 3 // | 0 | 1 | | // | | | v // |__________|__________| -2D // // -1D <-----------> +1D // // 3 Dimensional: // // +3D _____________________ // 7 / / /| // / / 6 / 7 / | // / /---------/----------/ | Children Indexes: // / / 2 / 3 /| | -3D -2D -1D: 0 // L /_________/__________/ | | -3D -2D +1D: 1 // -3D | | | | /| +2D -3D +2D -1D: 2 // | | | |/ | ^ -3D +2D +1D: 3 // | 2 | 3 | / | | +3D -2D -1D: 4 // | | |/| | <-- 5 | +3D -2D +1D: 5 // |----------|----------| | | | +3D +2D -1D: 6 // | | | | / | +3D +2D +1D: 7 // | | | | / | // | 0 | 1 | |/ | // | | | / v // |__________|__________|/ -2D // // ^ // | // 4 (behind 0) // // -1D <-----------> +1D // // 4 Dimensional: // // +1D +2D +3D +4D Children Indexes: // ^ ^ ^ ^ // | | | | -4D -3D -2D -1D: 0 +4D -3D -2D -1D: 8 // | | | | -4D -3D -2D +1D: 1 +4D -3D -2D +1D: 9 // | | | | -4D -3D +2D -1D: 2 +4D -3D +2D -1D: 10 // | | | | -4D -3D +2D +1D: 3 +4D -3D +2D +1D: 11 // | | | | -4D +3D -2D -1D: 4 +4D +3D -2D -1D: 12 // --- --- --- --- -4D +3D -2D +1D: 5 +4D +3D -2D +1D: 13 // | | | | -4D +3D +2D -1D: 6 +4D +3D +2D -1D: 14 // | | | | -4D +3D +2D +1D: 7 +4D +3D +2D +1D: 15 // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // v v v v // -1D -2D -3D -4D // // With a value that is in the (+1D, -2D, -3D, +4D)[Index 9] child: // // +1D +2D +3D +4D // ^ ^ ^ ^ // | | | | // | | | | // O--- | | ---O // | \ | | / | // | \ | | / | // --- \ --- --- / --- // | \ | | / | // | \ | | / | // | ---O-----------O--- | // | | | | // | | | | // v v v v // -1D -2D -3D -4D // By default, the omnitree will sort items along each axis and use the median algorithm to determine // the point of divisions. However, you can override the subdivision algorithm. For numerical values, // the mean algorithm can be used (and is much faster than median). If you know the data set will be // relatively evenly distributed within a sub-space, you can even set the subdivision algorithm to // calculate the subdivision from parent spaces rather than looking at the current contents of the // space. Note: In a future enhancement I will automatically detect if the mean algorithm is possible // for a given type, and then the default will depend on the type in use. // The depth of the omnitree is bounded by "ln(count)" the natural log of the current count. When adding // and item to the tree, if the number of items in the respective child is greater than ln(count) and // the depth bounding has not been reached, then the child will be subdivided. The goal is to achieve // Ω(ln(count)) runtime complexity when looking up values.
📄 Tree (Click To Expand)
Tree<T> treeMap = new TreeMap<T>(...);
📄 Graph (Click To Expand)
// A graph is a data structure that contains nodes and edges. They are useful // when you need to model real world scenarios. They also are generally used // for particular algorithms such as path finding. The GraphSetOmnitree is a // graph that stores nodes in a hashed set and the edges in a 2D omnitree (aka // quadtree). IGraph<int> graph = new GraphSetOmnitree<int>() { // add nodes 0, 1, 2, 3, // add edges { 0, 1 }, { 1, 2 }, { 2, 3 }, { 0, 3 }, // visualization // // 0 --------> 1 // | | // | | // | | // v v // 3 <-------- 2 };
📄 Trie (Click To Expand)
// A trie is a tree that stores values in a way that partial keys may be shared // amongst values to reduce redundant memory usage. They are generally used with // large data sets such as storing all the words in the English language. For // example, the words "farm" and "fart" both have the letters "far" in common. // A trie takes advantage of that and only stores the necessary letters for // those words ['f'->'a'->'r'->('t'||'m')]. A trie is not limited to string // values though. Any key type that can be broken into pieces (and shared), // could be used in a trie. // // There are two versions. One that only stores the values of the trie (ITrie<T>) // and one that stores the values of the trie plus an additional generic value // on the leaves (ITrie<T, D>). ITrie<T> trie = new TrieLinkedHashLinked<T>(); ITrie<T, D> trieWithAdditionalData = new TrieLinkedHashLinked<T, D>();
// Note: supports System.Span<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type
// Note: supports System.ReadOnlySpan<T>
// Note: supports System.Span<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type
// Note: supports System.ReadOnlySpan<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type
// Note: supports System.ReadOnlySpan<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type
int HammingDistanceIterative<...>(...);
int LevenshteinDistanceRecursive<...>(...);
int LevenshteinDistanceIterative<...>(...);
// Permutations of sequences
// Note: supports System.Span<T> and any (non ref struct) int-indexed type
void PermuteRecursive<...>(...);
void PermuteIterative<...>(...);
// Path Finding (Graph Search)
// Note: overloads for A*, Dijkstra, and Breadth-First-Search algorithms
Note Benchmarks are included for the sorting algorithms.
// System.Random extensions to generate more random types
// Note: there are overloads to specify possible ranges
string NextString(this Random random, int length);
char NextChar(this Random random);
decimal NextDecimal(this Random random);
DateTime DateTime(this Random random);
TimeSpan TimeSpan(this Random random);
long NextLong(this Random random);
IEnumerable<int> NextUnique(this Random random, int count, int minValue, int maxValue); // unique values
T Next<T>(this Random random, IEnumerable<(T Value, double Weight)> pool); // weighted values
void Shuffle<T>(this Random random, T[] array); // randomize arrays
// Type conversion to string definition as appears in C# source code
// Note: useful for runtime compilation from strings
string ConvertToCSharpSourceDefinition(this Type type);
// Example: typeof(List<int>) -> "System.Collections.Generic.List<int>"
string ToEnglishWords(this decimal @decimal);
// Example: 12 -> "Twelve"
int TryParseRomanNumeral(string @string);
// Example: "IX" -> 9
// Reflection Extensions To Access XML Documentation
string GetDocumentation(this Type type);
string GetDocumentation(this FieldInfo fieldInfo);
string GetDocumentation(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo);
string GetDocumentation(this EventInfo eventInfo);
string GetDocumentation(this ConstructorInfo constructorInfo);
string GetDocumentation(this MethodInfo methodInfo);
string GetDocumentation(this MemberInfo memberInfo);
string GetDocumentation(this ParameterInfo parameterInfo);
// Just some helper methods for console applications...
// command line argument parser/handler
// wait for keypress to continue an intercept input
// generic method for retrieving validated console input
// animated ellipsis character to show processing
// render progress bar in console
// Console.ReadLine() with hidden input characters
// easily manage int-based console menus
// preventing console input
// With TagAttribute's you can make value-based attributes so
// you don't always have to make your own custom attribute types.
// Just "tag" a code member with constant values.
using System;
using Towel;
static class Program
static void Main()
var (Found, Value) = typeof(MyClass).GetTag("My Tag");
Console.WriteLine("My Tag...");
Console.WriteLine("Found: " + Found);
Console.WriteLine("Value: " + Value);
[Tag("My Tag", "hello world")]
public class MyClass { }
Howdy! I'm Zachary Patten. I like making code frameworks and teaching people how to code. I only work on Towel in my free time, but feel free to contact me if you have questions and I will respond when I am able. :)