
Report generated by running CppCheck on Godot Engine 4

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Godot4 Cppcheck report

Report generated by running CppCheck on Godot Engine 4


To get a similar report, you can run install cppcheck and cppcheck-htmlreport, then run the following :

# Run the scan and export the report to an XML file. Ignore thirdparty
cppcheck -j$(nproc) --enable=all -ithirdparty/ --project=compile_commands.json --xml --xml-version=2 . 2>report-src.xml

# Generate a HTML report from the XML
cppcheck-htmlreport --source-dir=. --title=Godot-master --file=report-src.xml --report-dir=cppcheck_reports_html

# Tar it
tar -czf result.tgz cppcheck_reports_html