
neo-cli plugin to implement a findstorage extension RPC method

Primary LanguageC#


neo-cli plugin to implement a findstorage extension RPC method


Not intended for public RPC nodes, this is mainly intended to provide a faster method to supply your dApp with information from your smart contract in situations where there might be hundreds or thousands of results in a query and pagination is required, e.g. retrieving a batch of IDs of NFT tokens owned by a particular address. This removes complexity from the smart contract and overhead required if the same query was answered by an operation in the smart contract running inside the Neo VM.


git clone https://github.com/neo-project/neo
git clone https://github.com/hal0x2328/RpcFindStorage
cd RpcFindStorage
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -c Release


See Neo Plug-ins page

Method parameters

findstorage <contract script hash> <key prefix> [start index] [number of results]

Example request

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "findstorage",
  "params": [
  "id": 1

Example result

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": [
            "key": "68656c6c6f5f68656c6c6f31",
            "value": "6d7976616c756531"
            "key": "68656c6c6f5f68656c6c6f32",
            "value": "6d7976616c756532"
            "key": "68656c6c6f5f68656c6c6f33",
            "value": "6d7976616c756533"