
Mock travel: API building

Primary LanguageHTML

Travel Destination API
⛵ Travel Destination API ✈️

A API that returns destination and reviews built with Ruby-On-Rails.

A Rails API Building Tutorial Project.

MIT license

Key Features 🔑

  • Destinations - Create, Update, return all, and return specific destination
    • Returns destination in JSON format.
  • Reviews - Create, Update, return all, and return specific review for destination
    • Returns review in JSON format
  • Search - Returns a list of destitions with a API call
  • BCrypt authentication via API-Key for posting Reviews
  • API call is returned in JSON format
  • Readable API call messages that give user good feedback
  • Option to seed fake data

How To Use 🔧

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Ruby (which comes with rails) installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/DanDanilyuk/travel_api

# Go into the repository
$ cd travel_api

# Install dependencies
$ bundle

# Run the app
$ rails s

# open postman and make a sample post call to

# Read the JSON output

You can use this API with postman to make calls or you can clone this repo (https://github.com/hal2814/travel-api-frontend) to call through an Agular application.

Note: If you get any errors there might be some other problems.

Download ⬇️

You can download latest installable version of Postman.

Technologies Used 💻

This software uses code from several open source packages.

GitHub @hal2814  ·  LinkedIn /nateMcgreggor

Nate McGregor

GitHub @DanDanilyuk  ·  LinkedIn /dandanilyuk

Dan Danilyuk
