Production ready lightweight React starter.
If you plan to use React in production and don't like create-react-app
after you eject.
Primarily aimed at client side single page apps.
To create a new project based on this template using degit:
npx degit halafi/quickact react-app
cd react-app
Install the dependencies...
cd react-app
...then start:
yarn start
Navigate to localhost:8080. You should see your app running.
- Client Side Rendering
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
- Webpack Dev Server
- Webpack Production (+ gzip)
- TypeScript
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Browserslist
- Editorconfig
- Styled Components (might change this to linaria)
- Normalize
- Babel + Polyfills (CoreJS 3)
- Jest (without coverage and component testing setup)
- Lib: date-fns
- Rome (once it is more mature and not just a linter could replace Eslint, Webpack, Babel...)
- Routing
- Code Splitting
- PWA, Workbox
- Stylelint
- Server Side Rendering
- Prerendering (for pre-rendering on steroids check out Elderjs)
- Helmet / SEO