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Laravel - Laravel Vuejs Tailwind Surf

  • Author: Simon Bashir
  • Version: 0.3
  • Release Date: Mar 15, 2021 (updated Jan 14, 2022)
  • To see a hosted demo you can visit insite.llc

Brief Description

Coded with Laravel v8.32, Laravel Vuejs Tailwind Surf is a demo project.

Basic Features

  1. This is a "demo" project about books and other resources and the main focus is on learning Laravel, Vuejs, and Tailwind.
  2. This demo project shows variety of many techniques for creating API-based projects with Laravel/Vuejs/Tailwind.
  3. The "AdminRoleMiddleware" middleware will block authorization to perform CRUD operations on Library Books (the 2nd menu item).
  4. Many-to-Many relationship is used between Books and Subjects.
  5. Migrations to create schema and DB tables and some "Seeders" are used to prepopulate certain tables. The filesystem configuration file includes a new "book" public disk for storage.
  6. "ValidateAndStoreUpload" is used to handle, validate, and store Image upload.
  7. Contains many useful concepts: Filters, form validation, scope (in Models), view composer, blade service provider, flash messaging, and helper functions are used in this project.
  8. (In the "extra" folder) The additional sql DB files "resources.sql", "books.sql", and "book_subject.sql" contain "real" data gathered from various online resources. Additionally, book cover images are included in the "book" folder under "extra".
  9. Laravel Breeze and Sanctum are used for the back-end and VueJS is used for the front-end.
  10. This project is under development and therefore may contain bugs, incomplete features, or broken "responsive" design.

Screen Shots

Coming soon


Laravel Vuejs Tailwind Surf is just for demo purposes. Although it is a work in progress with more features to come, I offer no active support and I do not guarantee the stability of the code so be cautious not to use in any production environment.

Setup Instructions

Laravel Vuejs Tailwind Surf requires Laravel v8.32 (not tested with other versions).
  • Clone this repository to your local drive
    git clone https://github.com/halayuba/laravel-vuejs-tailwind-surf.git
  • Install the composer dependencies: go to the folder that contains the download and run this command
    composer install
  • Create a new database. The example below uses MYSQL (replace the values in [] with your preferences)
    mysql -u [username] -p [password]
    CREATE DATABASE [db_name];
  • Update .env to your specific needs (replace the values in [] with your preferences)
    cp .env.example .env
    nano .env
  • In .env add the following (e.g., to the bottom of .env)
  • Run all migrations to create and populate the database tables
    php artisan migrate --seed
  • Allow files to be overwritten by giving write permissions as the following
    sudo chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache
  • Run the following artisan command
    php artisan storage:link
  • Update the values shown in [] below in "baseUrl.js" (in the resources/js/ folder) with your preferences.
    authApiUrl: 'http://{url}/api/user/auth',
    usersApiUrl: 'http://{url}/api/users',
    resourcesApiUrl: 'http://{url}/api/resources',
    bookApiUrl: 'http://{url}/api/library/books',
    libraryApiUrl: 'http://{url}/api/library',
  • Run the following commands
    npm install
    npm run dev (for development)
  • Optional sql files "resources.sql", "books.sql", and "book_subject.sql" are included as seeders in the "extra" folder (under "/database/seeders/extra"). Also, book cover images are included in the "extra" folder but you will need to move the entire folder to the storage folder (under "storage/app/public/books").

Maintainers & Contributors

  • Simon Bashir


The project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license