
This web application is for showing the current posted twitters on the Google map in near real-time, with user defined settings and category differentiated by colors.

##Team Member

  • Ao Hong (ah3209)
  • Siyuan Zhang (sz2476)


  1. Implemented with Java Web Development based on Tomcat Server.
  2. Utilized MySQL database to manage Twitter data and JDBC to access from Java programs.
  3. RESTful API is provided by Java Servlet.
  4. Real-Time Twitter Data is grabbed to Database with Twitter API and Database size is monitored by server.
  5. Twitter content is categorized into five categories: Tech, Sports, Movie, Music and Food. Each category is backed with dozens of keywords related.


  1. Designed and implemented based on HTML/CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
  2. User is allowed to set Time Range and Category from webpage.
  3. Each category is marker with different color and an InfoWindow will show up with Twitter content when user click on the marker.
  4. Front-end JavaScript periodically made HTTP Get request to get selected data and update the markers.


####MySQL instance on AWS RDS

  • screenName varchar(20)
  • content varchar(200)
  • longitude DOUBLE
  • latitude DOUBLE
  • createDate datetime
  • PRIMARY KEY (statusId)


  1. Create an Ubuntu 64-bit EC2 instance, Elastic Beanstalk with Tomcat 8 Server, RDS MySQL database, IAM user role and S3 for version storage.
  2. Deploy Java web application to Elastic Beanstalk.
  3. Set up the security group of the RDS instance and EC2 so that the webpage could be visited by public.

##Use The Source code

  1. Git clone source code.
  2. Link to AWS account with access key and secret key and connect with current development environment (All usernames and passwords should be written in
  3. Create application and environment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Tomcat 8.
  4. Add Jars to build path and EC2 Tomcat lib file.
  5. Create Cassandra Database on AWS EC2.
  6. Create account in Twitter API and get access keys.
  7. Deploy project in AWS Elastic Beanstalk.