Shopping Cart Kata

Scenario 1 - Add items to shopping basket

Given I add 2 units of "The Hobbit" to my shopping basket And I add 5 units of "Breaking Bad" When I check the content of my shopping basket Then it should contain the following infomation:

  • Creation date (of the shopping basket)
  • 2 x The Hobbit // 2 x 5.00 = £10.00
  • 5 x Breaking Bad // 5 x 7.00 = £35.00
  • Total: £45.00

Acceptance criteria:

  • Shopping basket should be created when the first product is added.
  • Shopping basket should be persisted (In-memory, DB later)
  • Each user should have her own shopping basket.

Products available (in-memory repository):

  • Books
    • 10001: Lord of the Rings - £10.00
    • 10002: The Hobbit - £5.00
  • DVDs
    • 20001: Game of Thrones - £9.00
    • 20110: Breaking Bad - £7.00
    public class ShoppingBasketService {
        public void addItem(UserID userId, ProductID productId, int quantity) { }

        public <?> basketFor(UserID userId) { }

Scenario 2 - Logging

  • Log items added to shopping cart on the console:
    • [BASKET CREATED]: Created[<"YYYY-07-12">], User[]
    • [ITEM ADDED TO SHOPPING CART]: Added[<"YYYY-07-12">], User[], Product[], Quantity[], Price[<£12.00>]