💡 UPASK: A Full Stack Technology Help Forum. Built as a team during the 2023 UPS Hackathon.

Primary LanguageCSS

UPask: Collaborative Technical Forum for UPS Employees


🏆 UPS Summer 2023 Hackathon Finalist (Final Round)

UPask is an online forum platform designed exclusively for UPS employees to facilitate knowledge sharing and problem-solving within the UPS developer community. It provides an environment where employees can ask and answer technical questions related to their work.


  • Tag-based System: Users can assign themselves tags indicating their level of proficiency in specific technical areas. These tags help in identifying relevant experts within the UPS community.

  • Categorization and Prompting: Posts can be tagged to categorize them and prompt employees with relevant expertise to respond quickly.

  • User Interface: The project utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP to create a functional UI with the following pages:

    • Login Page: Users can securely log in to their UPask accounts. Image Alt Text
    • Profile Creation/Customization Page: Users can create and customize their profiles with relevant information.
    • Find User Page: Users can search for specific UPSers by filtering with tags.
    • Forum Page: The main platform where users can browse, post questions, and comment replies.

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  • Secure Authentication: UPask implements an intuitive authentication system to ensure that only authorized UPS employees can access the platform, maintaining data privacy and security.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • MySQL

Database Schema

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  • Jason Shin - UVA '26
  • Pranav Nori - Rutgers '25
  • Kishan Patel - Rutgers '25
  • Haley Patel - NJIT '25
  • Allen Shen - UMich '25


We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the UPS team!