
Ticket code issuance and mailing script

Primary LanguagePython



git clone https://github.com/half-duplex/hopetickets.git
cd hopetickets
git submodule init
git submodule update


Thoretically, just run ./main.py

If that doesn't work, install with the Contributing instructions (dev requirements optional) and:

. venv/bin/activate
./main.py [...]


venv/bin/python main.py [...]


./main.py init
./main.py gentokens attendee 1000
# repeat for other types
./main.py export attendee
# repeat for other types. produces export-*.csv
./main.py send attendee you@example.com 2
# to send from CSV (rows of email,count)
./main.py sendcsv attendee attendees.csv

Note that more tokens will be automatically generated if unused ones run out. See ./main.py help for other commands, like statistics and resending codes.

To export the entire database as CSV, use the sqlite3 command:

sqlite3 -csv -header tokens.db 'select * from tokens' >dump.csv

Note that importing this CSV may not preserve the difference between NULL (empty column in CSV, token not used) and an empty string (empty quotes column in CSV, token used with no email).


Install as above, but add the development requirements:

virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Before committing, format and lint:

black . && flake8