
Mad Devs website source code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Official Website Repository

Mad Devs develops enterprise-level custom software solutions & mobile apps for finance, transportation, logistics, security, edtech, cloudtech & advertising industries.

Commits activity Website status Javascript Nuxt

🌎 Table of contents

⚡️ Quick development start

To start the project you need to do the following steps:

  1. Install dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Run the project in development mode
$ npm run dev
  1. The application is available on localhost:3000

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.

⚙️ Project overview

Technologies && tools

Main technologies

A list of main technologies that we use for build our application

Technology Version Description
Node 16.x For the correct launch of the project, use this version of the node
Vue ^2.6.12 Progressive framework for building a modern user interfaces
Nuxt ^2.15.8 Server-side rendering framework for VueJS
Axios ^0.21.3 Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
Express ^4.17.1 Web-framework for nodeJS
Vuelidate ^0.7.6 A VueJS modern validating library
Prismic ^1.3.1 Content-Management system
Lottie-web ^5.8.1 The mobile library for Web animations

Additional tools

A list of additional tools that we use for make our codebase better

Technology Version Description
Jest ^26.6.3 Delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
ESLint ^7.24.0 Pluggable JavaScript linter
testing-library ^5.6.1 Simple and complete testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
Cypress ^7.7.0 E2E testing framework on JavaScript
Sentry ^6.18.2 Application monitoring and error tracking
Snyk ^1.717.0 Tool for find and fix security vulnerabilities

Project structure

├── README.md
├── Procfile - heroku config file
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── nuxt.config.js - nuxt config
├── nodemon.json - nodemon config
├── jsconfig.json
├── Dockerfile
├── cypress.json - cypress config
├── babel.config.js - babel config
├── .snyk - snyk policy file
├── .sass-lint.yml - sass-lint config
├── .gitignore
├── .eslintrc - eslint config
├── .eslintignore
├── .env.example
├── .editorconfig
├── .dockerignore
├── utils - core utils
├── tests - all unit-tests
├── server - server code
├── SEOAnalyzer - app for analytze SEO errors
├── jest - jest configurations
├── docs - additional docs
├── client - main source folder
│   ├── api - api requests
│   ├── app - ?
│   ├── assets
│   ├── components
│   ├── data - static data
│   ├── directives
│   ├── featureFlags - featureFlags logic
│   ├── helpers
│   ├── layouts
│   ├── locales
│   ├── mixins
│   ├── pages
│   ├── plugins
│   ├── prismicSlices - libraries of shared slices for prismic dashboard
│   ├── static
│   ├── store - vuex

💼️ Environment variables

A list of environment variables that needed to start the project(required)

NODE_SENDPULSE_API_USER_ID Sendpulse api user id
NODE_SENDPULSE_API_KEY Sendpulse api key
NODE_EMAIL_HR Email to send messages(cv) to HR department
NODE_EMAIL_CONTACT Email to send messages(from leads) to DM department
NODE_EMAIL_MARKETING Email to send messages to Marketing department
NODE_EMAIL_CV Email to send messages to CV department
NODE_PRISMIC_API Prismic api key
NODE_ATLASSIAN_PROJECT_KEY Jira auth project key
NODE_JEST_COVERAGE_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Slack webhook to send coverage
NODE_PAGESPEED_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Slack webhook to send pagespeed info
SENTRY_ORG Sentry Organization name
SENTRY_PROJECT Sentry project name
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN Sentry auth token
FF_ENVIRONMENT Feature flags environment
NODE_HUNTFLOW_API_URL Huntflow api url
NODE_HUNTFLOW_TOKEN Huntflow auth token
NODE_HUNTFLOW_ACCOUNT_ID Huntflow auth account
NODE_HUNTFLOW_RESERVE_VACANCY_ID Huntflow auth reserve vacancy
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY ReCaptcha site key
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY ReCaptcha secret key
NODE_ANALYTICS_UNIVERSAL_KEY Universal Analytics Tracking ID
FACEBOOK_CODE Access code for FaceBook Pixel
LINKEDIN_PIXEL_ID Linkidin identificator

All of these variables must be added to the Heroku hosting

✍️ Code review

We're have a special "Code Review Regulation" document that help us to review our code more better and professional. Before start working with our team you need to read the document.

🚀 Deploy


To send changes to the staging server, you should merge your branch to the staging branch


To send changes to the staging server, you should merge staging branch into master branch

🚓 Testing


Coverage statements Coverage branches Coverage functions Coverage lines


npm run test Run all tests
npm run test:unit Run all unit-tests
npm run test:unit:node Run only server unit-tests
npm run test:unit:browser Run only browser unit-tests
npm run test:staging Run tests && send coverage to slack
npm run test:e2e Run e2e tests
npm run generate:coverage-badges Generate coverage badges

✨ Linting

We're using some tools for linting our code - ESLint, Sass-Lint


npm run lint Run all linters
npm run lint-es Run only ESLint for js/vue files
npm run lint-vue-scss Run only vue-scss lint
npm run lint-scss Run only core scss lint

🐺 Snyk

Snyk is a tool for find and fix security vulnerabilities


npm run snyk-protect Run snyk checking

😎 AWS S3

Amazon S3 is used to store video files and pictures of the site.

Official Documentation

Install aws cli

You may install awscli using apt or brew

sudo apt install awscli

or download zip bundle

curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cli/awscli-bundle.zip" -o "awscli-bundle.zip" \&& unzip awscli-bundle.zip \&& sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws \&& rm -rf awscli-bundle*

The result should be

aws --version


The current AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key can be requested from the team.

aws configure

AWS will ask for the keys to specify the settings

AWS Access Key ID: Key
AWS Secret Access Key: Key
Default region name: us-west-1
Default output format: json

Or just export the keys, in which case the access will only be in the terminal where the export is made.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="key"

It remains to update the environment variable and run the site.

In the root of the project should be a file .env, where you insert the variable NODE_S3_PUBLIC_URL

This variable must contain the url, which will be used to access s3 files.

The link through which we will get pictures and videos https://d6xkme6dcvajw.cloudfront.net/

AWS S3 Commands

aws s3 ls s3://maddevsio/ Show available folders & files
aws s3 ls s3://maddevsio/ && PRE images/ && PRE videos/ Result
aws s3 cp --acl public-read folder s3://maddevsio/folder/ --recursive Upload folder
aws s3 --recursive mv s3://maddevsio/folder/ s3://maddevsio/folder_2/ Rename folder
aws s3 rm --recursive s3://maddevsio/folder/ Remove folder
aws s3 cp --acl public-read ./folder/name.jpg s3://maddevsio/folder/ Upload file to folder
aws s3 rm s3://maddevsio/folder/name.jpg Remove file
aws s3 sync --acl public-read ./folder s3://maddevsio/folder/ Update files
aws s3 sync s3://maddevsio/folder/ ./folder Downloads all content from s3 /folder to local folder ./folder

🏳️ Feature flags

We're used feature-flags for display/hide some features on different environments.

Create flag

For create a new feature flag, you need to open @/featureFlags/config.js file and add your flag into config with the following syntax:

export const config = {
  myFeatureFlag: ["development", "staging"]

The name of your feature flag should be key in the config. Environments where your flag should return true should be value of your flag. It's an array of environments. At the moment we have 3 available environments:

  • development - for local development
  • staging - for staging(maddevs.co)
  • production - for production(maddevs.io)


with <Feature> component

The better option. You can simple use your feature-flag in the templates using globally registered component. Example:

<Feature flag="myFeatureFlag">Some content</Feature>

with featureFlag() method

Also you can use global method in your template:

<div v-if="featureFlag('myFeatureFlag')">Some content</div>

or in the component's code:

export default {
  methods: {
    send() {
      if (featureFlag("myFeatureFlag")) {
        // ...do something

🏳️ Feature flags for pages

Create flag

For create a new feature flag for pages, you need to open router.config.js file and add your flag into config with the following syntax:

export const routerConfig = [
    path: "/",
    development: true,
    staging: true,
    production: false

Then, if a page is unavailable in one of the environments, the page will be removed from the sitemap and a redirect to page 404 will be configured for it.

BEM (Block, Element, Modifier)

BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) is a component-based approach to web development.

For BEM, I advise you to use the following:

  1. "block" - for naming blocks (A functionally independent page component that can be reused. In HTML, blocks are represented by the class attribute. Features:

The block name describes its purpose ("What is it?" — menu or button), not its state ("What does it look like?" — red or big).


<!-- Correct. The `error` block is semantically meaningful -->
<div class="error"></div>

<!-- Incorrect. It describes the appearance -->
<div class="red-text"></div>

The block shouldn't influence its environment, meaning you shouldn't set the external geometry (margin) or positioning for the block. You also shouldn't use CSS tag or ID selectors when using BEM.

  1. "block**element" - ** for naming elements A composite part of a block that can't be used separately from it.


The element name describes its purpose ("What is this?" — item, text, etc.), not its state ("What type, or what does it look like?" — red, big, etc.).

The structure of an element's full name is block-nameelement-name. The element name is separated from the block name with a double underscore ().


<!-- `search-form` block -->
<form class="search-form">
    <!-- `input` element in the `search-form` block -->
    <input class="search-form__input"/>

    <!-- `button` element in the `search-form` block -->
    <button class="search-form__button">Search</button>
  1. "block block - modifier" - --modifier for naming modifiers, while the main class of the block/element must be An entity that defines the appearance, state, or behavior of a block or element.


The modifier name describes its appearance ("What size?" or "Which theme?" and so on — size_s or theme_islands), its state ("How is it different from the others?" — disabled, focused, etc.) and its behavior ("How does it behave?" or "How does it respond to the user?" — such as directions_left-top).

The modifier name is separated from the block or element name by a single underscore (_).

Let's not use:

  • "h2" or "> p" tag selectors
  • minimum nesting through "/deep/"
  • incorrect BEM naming conventions: "block_element" or "block_modifier"

For a detailed study of BEM, visit the website: https://en.bem.info/

🔥 SEO-Analyzer

Github action for checks for errors in the html DOM


To run an analyzer you need to execute the following command:

npm run seo-analyze

If you have some problems with SEO you will be notified about that in the console:

████████████████████████████████████████ 100% | ETA: 0s | 233/233

File: dist/clients/case-studies/namba-food/index.html
SEO defects found:
There are 1 <img> tag without alt attribute

Otherwise, you should get success result:

 ████████████████████████████████████████ 100% | ETA: 0s | 233/233

 No any SEO defect found.

🗄 Prismic

Create and push slices to prismic dashboard

Slice machine dev tools are used to develop and push slices to prismic dashboard.

The main folder for developing slices is located in the following path - client/prismicSlices.
Slices can be divided into categories(libraries) by creating different folders for them inside the client/prismicSlices folder and adding the path to this folders to the sm.json config file.

To develop slices you need to install globally the prismic-cli

npm install -g prismic-cli

After installation you need login to prismic

prismic login

After login you need to run the slices builder dashboard: localhost:9999

npm run slicemachine


prismic sm --develop

Also you need to run the storybook dashboard in other terminal: localhost:3003

npm run storybook

Create a new slice in the slices builder dashboard

Edit code of created slice in the project filesystem

Push created slice to prismic from slices builder dashboard

👐 Additional docs

How to remove link from sitemap.xml