[WIP] Neotest adapter for Elixir
Status: The adapter is currently working, you can execute the different types (single test, file, etc.) and see the result and the output.
Using packer:
requires = {
config = function()
adapters = {
Currently, the adapter requires either Jason or Poison to be available in the project
You can optionally specify some settings:
adapters = {
-- Other formatters to pass to the test command as the formatters are overridden
-- Can be a function to return a dynamic value.
-- Default: {"ExUnit.CLIFormatter"}
extra_formatters = {"ExUnit.CLIFormatter", "ExUnitNotifier"}
-- Can be Jason or Poison, default: Jason
json_module = "Jason"
are also supported, so you can use them to specify other arguments to mix test
require("neotest").run.run({vim.fn.expand("%"), extra_args = {"--formatter", "ExUnitNotifier", "--timeout", "60"}}))
- Store output in temp files directly from the ExUnit formatter
- Enable colors
- Support projects without a JSON library in the dependencies
- Handle dynamic tests like when you have for a loop that generates tests
- Show error in line with diagnostics
- Allow specifying extra formatters