
Flutter cross platform mobile app development in practice.

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter in Practice

This project is the reference source code of online video course 叽歪课程 - Flutter 移动应用开发实战, including usage demo of flutter components and a social video app weiguan like tiktok.

To students of course: 最新的实战项目目录结构已按照新版 干净架构最佳实践 进行了重构,目录结构调整较大。如想获取之前版本,可查看提交记录。

Dependent frameworks and packages

  1. Flutter
  2. cached_network_image
  3. carousel_slider
  4. cookie_jar
  5. dio
  6. flutter_redux
  7. functional_data
  8. image_picker
  9. injector
  10. json_annotation
  11. logging
  12. meta
  13. package_info
  14. provider
  15. redux
  16. redux_logging
  17. redux_persist
  18. redux_persist_flutter
  19. redux_thunk
  20. video_player
  21. build_runner
  22. flutter_launcher_icons
  23. functional_data_generator
  24. json_serializable

How to run

Install flutter sdk

Please refer to flutter official document Install.

Clone repository

git clone git@github.com:jaggerwang/flutter-in-practice.git && cd flutter-in-practice

Install dependent packages

flutter packages get

Connect a device or run a simulator

Connet your Android or iOS device to your computer or run a simulator using the following commands.

$ flutter emulators
2 available emulators:

9.0-1080p           • 9.0-1080p     • Google • android
apple_ios_simulator • iOS Simulator • Apple  • ios

$ flutter emulators --launch apple_ios_simulator

Run app

This repository contains several apps.

To run flutter demo:

flutter run -t lib/demo/main.dart

To run weiguan:

flutter run -t lib/weiguan/mobile/main.dart

The weiguan app need a backend api service, as default it will use a mocked api service. You can enable enableRestApi option to use a real service from Sanic in Practice or Spring Boot in Practice. The later one also supplys a graphql api service, you can enable enableGraphQLApi option to use it.

If you want to see more log info, you can run weiguan in dev mode:

flutter run -t lib/weiguan/mobile/main_dev.dart

The video player can not work on iOS simulator, you should use an Android emulator or a real device.
